The Second Chapter

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That evening Jasmine collects me at 7. Her delicate fingers hold the edge of the door like it is glass. Her tattoo sneaks under her skirt like a well-known secret. Tonight, we are going to be as harmless as a tumour.

"What you waiting for?" Jasmine smirks.

"You, you ass, lets move." I reply before shutting the door behind me.

We walk out and down onto the road. Its quieter than usual but that doesnt bother me.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Theres a new celebrity club down the road and I got some VIP passes." She says it like its nothing special.

As I struggle to keep up with her speed walking I wonder whether there are going to be any VIPs there. Who am I kidding, of course there are! The real question is who...

My black dress sways around my thighs as I stomp closer towards the club, following after Jasmine who seems to glide around.

"How did you get the tickets?" I ask.

"I pulled some strings-" She starts to reply.

"You did NOT suck him off!" I say, my shocked face almost being taken over by a grin.

"No, I didnt. But I hinted it." She smirks.

I shake my head at her "You crafty bastard."

We arrive outside a club. It looks like any normal club, minus the huge queue outside. I feel my eyebrows raise as we walk down the line to the front. Jasmine hands her passes over and they let us in.

I dont have time to notice the decor, going immediately for a drink. Tonight, I want to forget how much my life sucks.

I return back to Jasmine with a drink for her and a drink for me. I dont know what it is, but honestly, does it really matter?

Jasmine pulls a face as the drink slides down her throat.

"Did you ask for the most alcoholic drink?" Jasmine almost shouts.

Her face is pulled into shapes again as she takes another sip.

"Maybe." I shout back, over the music that is verging on intrusive.

She gives me a look and I smirk at her.

Once we are drunk, Im not sure what happens. I just let life take me on another tangent. I stop swimming against the tide. Id invite someone to take me on a new adventure. Anyone. Please. Just take me away.

All I remember is that at 3AM I leave with someone. That someone isnt Jasmine.

Before you freak out let me fill you in. Its happened before. I often end up sleeping with people. Its not a problem. The problem is I dont remember it 9 times out of 10.

It takes me to a new place, I make a new friend. Adventure blah blah blah, trying new things blah blah blah.

Maybe not the new friend part. They are always too embarrassed to face me. They are scared Ill comment about their tiny dick or something, when honestly, I dont even remember how big it was. Nor do I care to remember.

So, back to the morning. My pounding headache. The blinding light. The warm presence of someone still lying next to me.

This person obviously lost their dignity long ago.

I vaguely recognise the person but my head is too foggy to remember. Their dirty blonde hair is strewn across their forehead. Their body, average build. Short but taller than I am. Theres no point evaluating the sleeping. I go and make coffee.

Skip ahead to me standing in the kitchen, making two cups of coffee. I may be a wanted whore, but I am still considerate. I pour a cup, leaving some coffee for if my secret man is interested.

"Youre still here? Even after last night?" A voice questions from behind me.

I turn to see the guy in boxers and a vest top and I quickly look him down. Drunk me has a good judgement on who to sleep with. I lean back on the counter top.

"Its not like youre the first person Ive fucked. Its happened before." I laugh, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry?" He looks confused and slightly disgusted.

I pull the smirk down off my face. What is he on about?

"Im so confused, start again?" I ask.

"Do you not remember last night? You must have been so drunk..." He chuckles.

"I was pretty pissed."

"You came back to mine and sat on my sofa for a chat. You told me your whole life story and all your secrets. You had an emotional rant for about 45 minutes before joining me in my bed because you were 'scared'. Ring a bell?"

He runs his fingers through his hair and smiles a genuinely sweet smile but my heart starts racing. My face is blank but I cant help but fear, what secrets?

"I dont remember a thing." I say slowly.

"Well, lets start again. Im Patrick."

My mouth drops open. Oh shit.

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