The Sixy Seventh Chapter

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I sit by the dark red patch on the wall where Patrick was knocked into.

"We could paint in it." I suggest.

I say that we should make it look like the swirls are emerging from the corner and slowly taking over the wall... Like vines. The red eery glow can come with it... Or... The blood.

Its been a while since Ive let my paintbrush glide over Patricks wall. Ive missed the smell of paint and the feeling of a paintbrush chaffing on my fingers.

Its like Im back on some sort of holiday from reality.

Although the red of the blood still consumes the wall.

I dip my paintbrush in the silver paint and add glints to the black lines.

"Hows your writing going?" Patrick asks.

He leans on his elbow.

I laugh. Patrick asking me... He writes with Pete all the time! Probably much better than me too...

"I mean... I can read you through the new bits I wrote last night and recently... If you want?" I hide my blush, looking down and away.

"Please!" Patrick seems like a puppy.

I pull the scrunched paper from my pocket.

"Okay. So... We have the bits before, the verse if you will. Now we have a chorus. I think you should put in some sort of na na na in between each line or something. So-" Patrick cuts me off

"Just read it!" He chuckles, pushing my shoulder lightly.

"Okay so. It goes;

The na na nas or what ever here and then...

If my heart is a grenade

you pull the pin and say

That was the beginning chorus, not the actual chorus..."

Im nervous about sharing my work. What can I say?

"And then...

Were all fighting growing old

Maybe repeat the line for effect... Your choice.

In the high hopes

Of a few minutes more

To get on St. Peters list

But you need to lower your standards

Because its never getting any better than this.

Then the na na nas or what you want."

I swallow hard and continue.

"Urm... Thats the chorus. Theres another bit but I dont know..."

"Let me see it!" Patrick says playfully, trying to peel the paper off me.

"No, wait! Wait!" I push him off me lightly, holding it in the air behind me.

"Please!" He leans over me to try and reach it.

"Nu uh!" I fall back, holding it as far from him as I can.

"Pwease?" He climbs over me to get it.

"Climbing on top of me wont get you reading it faster!"

"Please?" He climbs off me and back, picking up his paintbrush again.

"Ill read it. Its not final. You can change it if you dont like it."

"I think its great so far. I just dont want to hear your intervals as part of the song. I also want to see how youve written it!"

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