The Forty-First Chapter

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So, Im not going to bore you by dragging you along the week they spent recording and editing their songs. Those days were like a movie with a bad script. Every day, singing in a small sweaty studio, I did not envy them.

But on the night their record comes out, we are having a party. Funny enough, thats tonight. Lots of important people with more money than sense are coming to celebrate and drink fancy alcohol.

I managed to find a dress that looks decent and an currently making myself look pretty.

I slowly drag the eyeliner over my eye. If I blacken them enough, do my eyes look alluring?

My dress is tight and black. The top is lace and the bottom stops mid-thigh. If my dress is tight enough, will I look beautiful?

I make sure none of the bright red lipstick is on my teeth before straightening myself up. It looks good.

Do I looks like who I want to be?

I died my hair a dark blue earlier, the green was looking grungy and muddy. Now I look professional, its slightly more maturely coloured. Its the blue of your dreams.

"Hey, you ready? People are arriving." Patrick sticks his head through the door.

He blinks a couple of times and pulls a face like Ive thrown him off.

"You look..." He stutters a breath. "You look great tonight."

A smile rushes to my face, a blush too.

"Thanks." I reply. "You look pretty dressed up too."

He smile sweetly, his eyes running over me.

"Lets go." I stand and pass him in the door way.

"People have started arriving already. Petes doing his thing and Joes doing his. How are they so social?"

"Its who they are, I guess."

There are more than a couple of people just wondering around. There are more people than I can name. There are more people than I actually know.

I go up to the little bar set up and wonder what I can have.

"Jesse right?" The guy asks.

"Its skye now." I smile.

"Well, Skye now, Ive got the drink for you."

Suddenly the music is loud and I can barely hear him.

I catch him saying "fruit" and "girly".

I take it with a smile and walk over to Andy.

The lights are dim so I can barely see anything. Theres a constant roar of conversation over the music. Its almost like in a club.

"Andy! Looking smart, eh?" I say, approaching him.

"Ha, just tonight. Cant stand suits to be honest!"

I take a sip of my drink. He was right, its like a fruit pop drink.

"They insist that I wear them for nights like this."

"You look good in a suit." I tell him.

He chuckles. "Dont flatter me."

I shake my head with a laugh. Someone taps his shoulder and then he is gone.

I sip my drink.

Someone grabs my shoulders and I jump.

"Hey! Your song!" Pete yells over the music.

"Its only partially mine!" I yell back just like he did.

"Come on! Take credit! You did well. Its the start of a career I think..."

I shrug it off. "We will see about that..."

I sip on my drink and he sips on his.

"Congrats though. A new album? Crazy, eh?"

"It took us a damn long time..."

"But its here now!"

The drink has a familiar flavour that makes me twitch.

"There are so many people here. Ive never seen so many people..." I look around.

Ive finished my drink.

"This, is really good... Like... I want another one. Fruity..."

"What did you get?"

"Not sure. The guy said fruit and girly. He knows Im not allowed alcohol. It says Jesse isnt allowed alcohol. I said my names not Jesse anymore. Im fine."

"Are you sure? The musics pretty loud."

I sent him a weird smile. "Well, if not, hospital here I come, eh?"

He laughs. "You know its not a joke, your health?"

"Im sure Ill be fine. Ill stop drinking everything for the moment."

"If you feel ill, find me."

Pete thinks somethings going to go wrong.

I do fine on my own, I dont need someone saving me.

He shrugs, giving me a sharp look.

Then, he is gone, into the crowd.

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