The Fiftieth Chapter

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We got to 50 chapters and there are 100 stars in my sky.


The next day I go back to therapy. Ive been almost twice a week and I dont see it helping.

On the way there I talk to Patrick.

"Look, I dont even do it anymore! Why am I still going?" I groan like a child.

"Youre still going for emotional support." Patrick tries to come up with a reason.

"I get enough from you guys... More than enough actually! All I do here is hold crying people!"

We arrive at the door and Patrick shrugs "See you after." he chuckles.

"You poo." I mumble, walking inside.

Theres a new girl inside. I stop in the doorway to look at her. Her hair is in perfect blonde ringlet-like waves. She has pearl blue eyes and soft pink lips. She looks like every girl wants to look. Her face carries an air of mystery and she raises an eyebrow.

"Do you want to sit down?" The guy running it says.

I drag myself over and sit down, practically dropping into the seat opposite the girl.

"So, do you want to start?" He looks at the girl.

Her smile strikes a spark in her whole self. As soon as she smiles, her body language and posture and face change.

"Yes." He voice is soft and silky.

I never really caught the name of the guy running it. But does that matter?

"It was a great. I was a model for... Well, anyone important at any time. I was the person to be. Then I wanted change and to leave the life of being beautiful."

Her hands swoop gracefully, like doves.

"Im so jealous of ugly people. They dont have to care about how they look. Its not that you have to apply makeup to brains. What was special about me almost killed me trying to preserve it."

She makes slow eye contact with each of us and I want her name.

"So I ripped out one of my ribs, so I was wonky. It sounds tragic but Im happy now. Im not a model anymore. I dont have to care about image..."

She reaches me and can see the questions in my eyes.

"No, it didnt hurt. Yes, I ripped it out myself. No, I wont show you the scar. No I wont remove my other rib."

Her pearl eyes move on.

"I was forced to come here, but honestly, Im fine. Tis but a scratch."

She still looks gorgeous, although I notice she is slumped to one side.

"Right, thanks. Next?" The guy passes her on.

Zack makes eye contact from across and shrugs.

I lick over my teeth.

Its like Im a regular here.

We get onto the hugging and I make my way over to the new girl and grab her before she can object.

"Hi there. Youre new." I say quietly.

"I am." She says softly.

"Whats your name."

"Lena." She chuckles, slowly wrapping her arms around me.

"Im Skye. Hi there."

You can feel her missing rib as I press up against her, or maybe you can feel just the lack of a rib.

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