The Fourteenth Chapter

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At therapy there is everyone you could imagine.

The casual smokers.

The drug addicted who sit outside shivering in the warmth of the sun.

The people with all sorts of mental illnesses.

Teens with cuts up one arm and bracelets up the other.

The alcoholics, the party goers (thats me).

The sex addicts...

The sex addicts certainly have the best humour. We have to work for our addiction, getting people to have sex with us. We work hard to ruin our lives.

I wait in the waiting room with Patrick and I recognise a fellow sex addict. He is reading through a self help book and highlighting random lines.

"What you highlighting?" I ask.

He turns to look at me fast before recognising me and smiling cheekily.

I look over at one part highlighted; 'do you ever undo your top button to attract sexual partners?'.

"Im highlighting what I havent tried yet. These books give you good ideas on how to step up a level in your addiction."

I watch him steadily highlight another one.

"'Do you ever leave the door unlocked when using the bathroom and enjoy when people walk in?' Well... I do now!" He grins at me.

I realise then, I may just be an alcoholic, I only crave sex when Im drunk. I dont go to extreme measures. Then again I dont remember what I do, as Im usually drunk.

"Jesse?" Patrick places a hand on my back.

I turn and look at him. He point at the door where my therapist stands.

"Come on lets go."

Patrick gives me a soft smile and I wave goodbye to the sex addict before following him.

"That guy was... Well not weird but... Uh... Interesting?" Patrick says.

"You cant be mean, can you?" I smirk.

Patrick blushes and shrugs.

"He was cool, I see him here often. Sometimes I think he is just here to pick up girls..."

I can tell Patrick is uncomfortable being around such messed up people.

So, you dont want to hear about the boring part so Im going to skip ahead, I want to keep you interested in my life, dont I? What if something happens and you miss it? Exactly.

So, around 15 minutes later the therapist, by the name of Stacy, is going to work out what voltage my shock therapy should be at. This consists of me sitting in a chair, feet hovering over the ground. She attaches some nodes on my skin. They cling to me desperately, like Im their last hope, when honestly its the other way around.

"You know you can still... You can still get out of this?" Patrick makes me look up.

I dont reply, I just look at him.

"How strong do you want it?" Stacy asks.

"Id rather stay uncooked." I grin at her.

"Right. We will start low and raise it..." She bites on her lip as she studies a remote.

"Is it going to hurt?" I joke.

She chuckles before pressing some buttons. "Be careful, this may sting." She mumbles.

She twists a knob and presses a button, looking up at me. A shock like when you touch someone after rubbing a balloon on your head runs through me. It makes me sit up straighter. Like Ive been earthed.

"How was that?"

"Fine. A small shock, yes, but nothing crazy."

"Okay, have this." She hands me a bottle of vodka with a sly smile. "Drink some and Ill shock you."

I take some in my mouth and rinse it like mouth wash. Suddenly a stronger shock runs through me and I shake, spitting out the vodka straight into Patricks face.

"Holy shit... Sorry?" I question with a giggle. But Patrick isnt laughing.

Patricks mouth drops open and he rubs the concoction of vodka and saliva out of his eyes. Stacy hands him some tissues and I try to keep in my snigger. It doesnt work as I end up laughing into Patricks face uncontrollably.

"Im so sorry!" Stacy cant help but laugh too.

Patrick cleans himself up and Stacy has her hands over her mouth, hiding her huge smile.

"Well, that was an adventure. I cant help but question if you know what youre doing?" Patrick asks, red in the face from the embarrassment of being showered in vodka.

"Im just here to warm it up, Im not the actual therapist..." Stacy says, shyly.

My mouth drops open and I laugh louder, clutching at my stomach. I slide down the chair, falling to the floor.

"You mean- you mean- you mean!" I cant finish my sentence due to my laughter.

"I should go before Sarah comes back. It was nice meeting you guys. Sorry sir." Stacy nods at us before fleeing.

I pull myself up to sitting, gasping for breath.

"That was WILD!" I cant help but yell.

"I guess so... Im still confused?" Patrick says slowly.

The door opens and I plug my hands to my mouth.

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