The Seventeenth Chapter

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Quick note before this chapter.

I was reading the lyrics to g.i.n.a.s.f.s by Fall Out Boy and I swear I didnt know before that it had these lyrics in it:

And I've traced your shadows on the wall

Now I kiss them whenever I'm down,

Whenever I'm down

(Just kind of) figured on

Not figuring myself out


Right, heres a chapter...

I knock on Patricks door and wait. Its cold outside and I cant help but shiver. Leaves surround my feet, all on the floor, none on the trees.

"Hi." I look up from my feet to Patrick.

"Oh, urm, hey?" I fumble. "Am I early or?"

"No, no, never, come in."

My eyes flick between his for a moment as I try reading how he feels. I give up and slide past him, inside.

"Oh, hey Jesse! Hows it going?" Pete smirks, leaning on the desk.

"People are having drug fuelled orgies and Im having a better day than them." I grin, pushing my fringe straight.

"Good to know." He chuckle. "Patty boy and I were just discussing music and writing... Hey, Pat, is she trustworthy to hear it?" I can tell he is testing Patrick and myself.

Pete smirks, raising an eyebrow. Patrick looks into my eyes for a few seconds, looking me over, deciding my level of trustworthyness, if thats a thing. Its come down to this. Its been what... A week or two?

I turn away and look at Pete, giving him a small shake of my head and a small smile.

"Yeah, I mean, whats the worst thing that could happen." Patrick says.

I look back over at Patrick and send him a look, sealed with a smile.

"I mean, its not like I have any friends." I laugh. "Well, can I count you guys?"

"You can count us." Pete shrugs. He sounds unsure.

"Pete, of course she can!"

"Do you guys want a drink, I can go and make tea?" I suggest awkwardly.

"Please." Patrick says.

"Just 2 teas, Im fine." Pete adds, not looking at me.

I stand and start walking. "Its on the left." Patrick guides me.

"Thanks." I mumble.

I make 2 teas quickly. I decide to wait as I hear mumbling. Mumbling is never a good thing, ever. Mumbling means there are secrets.

"You met her last week!" Pete shouts.

"Pete! Quiet!" Patrick hushes him.

I sit at the table and stir one of the cups of tea. One of the cups has a puppy on it. The cup is so old that the puppy on it is now probably dead. The other cup has a large P on it. Theres a crack snaking down the side of the ceramic.

I take a moment to think of the reality. Half of a famous band I like are outside, arguing, I presume, over me. I shake my head, clearing my panic.

"You dont know, she could be lying!" Petes voice raises and I decide to stop them fighting.

I take the cups and push through the door, back into the main room.

"Hi, sorry, I... Urm... Had a problem but its over now." I fake a smile.

"Im sorry, I dont even know why I asked you to make tea, we have to go to therapy now." Patrick says, focusing solely on me.

I put the cups down on the table and nod. The tea is probably lukewarm by now anyway.

"Shall we... Go?"

Patrick turns and looks at Pete and they share a look. I can tell Pete has minor trust issues... Minor.

I follow Patrick back outsides and we start our walk.

"Sorry about him. He... He has trust issues." Patrick says.

Told you.

"But now he we are on our way to therapy, so... I was hoping it would be slightly more positive and-"

"Holy shit! Jesse!"

I stop walking, frozen to the spot. Who was that? I only know one person and that is J-

"Jesse, why are you with Patrick Stump?"

I start walking again, slightly faster. Patrick follows beside me, quietly asking enough questions to send my brain into chaos.

"Jesse slow down! Where you off to?"

I turn and give Patrick an urgent look and he shrugs, obviously confused. My feet pad along the floor faster and faster. I focus on the therapy centre at the end of the road.

Someones long manicured nails grab my bicep. Im forced to a stop and Patrick stumbles a few steps forward before turning around.

"J-Jasmine?" I stutter. "What a s-surprise?"

"I know right? Enough small talk, whos this?" Her eyes pierce mine like her nails on my skin.

"Patrick, this... This is Jasmine. Jasmine this is Patrick- now we have to be going-"

"Patrick stump?"

I nod, biting on my lip in frustration.

"Wow, it seemed like yesterday when you were kissing that Patrick stump poster."

My heart shatters and I want to lie down. I just laugh. "Ha ha, very funny."

"Remember when you were obsessed with that interview of that music video where he got dared to-"

"Thats enough, thanks. Well, it was nice seeing you but I really have to go now."

"Where you going?" She teases.

"Just... Just to urm..." My cheeks burn and I cant stutter out the word 'therapy'.

She places her hand on her perfectly moulded waist and my eyes follow.

"We were going to meet Pete somewhere. She found my phone and is helping me." Patrick says with a sweet smile.

"Look at you! Helping people in other ways than sucking them off!" Jasmine winks at me and I shoot her a look.

"Yeah, at least I dont twist the rules with it. So did you suck that guy off to get us into the club?" I send back.

I step slightly in front of Patrick, no longer hiding behind him.

"Well," Jasmine licks her lips. "lets hope you dont hold as many secrets with your new friend as you do with me."

My mouth drops open. Bitch!

"Bye now." She blows a kiss and waves like a beauty queen before turning on her heels.

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