The Sixty-Fourth Chapter

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The next day my mum takes me out.

"I think its time to add another sketch to the wall." My mum smiles.

"Oh- okay." I go along with it, Im not completely sure what she is on about.

We drive to the cliff face and she shines the car light on me.

I look at my old outline. Its smaller and weaker. This isnt the only outline Ive seen before, Im sure of it.

"Stay still." My mum says strictly.

The light makes me dizzy.

"There was a story about a couple in ancient Greece. When one half of the couple went to fight in a war, they drew his shadow on the wall. The girl would kiss the shadow whenever she was down. She relied on it for life. It was love."

The bright light makes me feel faint and the sound of squeaking sharpie washes out other sounds.

"I mean, what we are doing here is keeping a reference for when you leave the nest. You will be too busy with your rich husband and big family to think of us."

My legs shake as I try to focus on her drawing around my shadow.

"Are you feeling okay? You look pale?"

Theres something familiar about that...

"Jessica? Hello? Darling? Dont be overdramatic."

My knees buckle and I drop to the pebbles on the beach.

"Whats wrong?"

I remember something. Did I take pills at one point... For something? I try and push myself up on my arm. My side aches and I groan.

"Jessica, you are still drugged up, lets take you home to rest. We have finished outlining you anyway."

Jump to me in bed that night. Im sure I took pills at one point. I cant place my finger on where or why, but Im sure I did.

I lie there, still weak as I havent taken the pills I think I should take. I dont think I could properly walk, even if I try.

Theres a tap on the window. I ignore it, maybe its my imagination.

Theres a tapping again. I decide to check it out, staggering to the window and opening it.

"Hello?" I mumble weakly out the window.

"Skye! Youre alive!"

Now, I have no idea who this is or what they want. Although the voice reminds me of something or someone. I look at my Patrick Stump poster on the wall.

"Come out quickly, the police are coming."

"Who are you? Who is Skye? Why are the police coming?" I struggle.

Im clinging onto the window edge to keep me up.


"Skye? Its Pat?"

I take my torch for late night reading off my desk and shine it at the voice.

I almost scream. I almost collapse. I almost drop the torch out the window.

I look at my Patrick Stump poster and then back at the person outside.

"Oh my GOD its Patrick Stump." I breathe.

"The others are in the van lets go!" Patrick shouts.

"I dont go with strangers... Although..."

"Stop messing around. Come on!"

"Im not strong enough to run away."

My legs are practically on the floor and I let myself drop. I shouldnt have stood up. Didnt I take pills for something?

"Skye!" Patrick shouts. "We are coming to get you, dont worry!"

Theyre what?

"Hang in there!"

The edges of my vision get blurry. The pain spreads in my body. Im sure I need to take some pills for something.

I can hear the front door being kicked in and I swallow at the thought of the aftermath.

There is a lot of shouting and eventually some police sirens.

"Skye!" Patrick bursts into the room.

"Oh dear." I breathe.

Can he see my posters?

"I think I need to take pills for something."

"Look, the police are arresting them and it will all be over. Lets go!"

Patrick realises my state and wrap his arms under me.

"What are you doing?" I breathe.

"We are saving you!"

Im radiating confusion. What is he on about? This is like a dream I had...

"Look, Ill finish explaining later. Youll work it out..."

He lifts me and Im too weak and tired to struggle. As we leave the room I take a final look at the Patrick Stump poster.

There are policemen downstairs and my parents are in handcuffs.

"I just want my perfect family!" My mum is yelling.

Patrick Stump takes me through the door and onto the bus. He sits with me curled on his lap.

In any other circumstance this would be great, but honestly, right now I have no idea whats going on.

"Oh Skye! Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Pete Wentz seems to be asking me.

"Skye?" I mumble. "What? Who? They are my parents, they wouldnt hurt me. Its just... I think Im meant to be taking pills but Im not. Im a bit weak right now."

Theres silence. I let myself go limp on Patrick Stump and his arms wrap tight around me.

My breath wheezes out again and again.

"Skye? We are heading back now. We will get you to your medication. Dont worry." Patrick Stump brushes a lock from my forehead slowly.

"Theres something wrong." Andy Hurley mumbles just loud enough to hear.

Patrick is slowly stroking my arm, making his way to my shoulder and back to my finger tips, carefully playing with my fingers. Fall Out Boy. Fall. Out. Boy. Wow.


"Im not Skye, Im Jessica." I mumble.

My eyes close slowly and I focus on Patricks soft movements. He plays with my fingers nervously.

"Joe, step on it, would you?" Pete shouts to the driver.

"Do you remember us?" Andy asks.

"Im a big fan. Maybe not of the circumstance though." I reply.

Patrick hand tenses around mine.

"This is like a dream for me." I force out with my last burst of energy.

"Wait... Jessica?" Patrick realises.

With that I let myself fade.

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