The Sixty-Fith Chapter

112 14 4

When I wake up there are a load of pills by the bed. I weakly swallow them all.

I lie back and stare at the ceiling, admiring the blankness of the white.

Im so confused and scared of what is happening.

Why did Fall Out Boy kidnap me?

"Skye! Youre awake." Patrick leans on the door frame.

"Skye?" I whisper again.

"Do you honestly remember nothing?"

"I know up to when... Sydney... Then it was now. So I dont know? I dont know..."

He lies on the cover next to me. He has pain in his eyes as he searches my face.

I lie and let him do what he wants. Im letting the pills kick in.

"Holy smokes." Patrick whispers. "This hurts."

I dont know what to do, so I do nothing.

"You know theres no cure. It normally comes back slowly and then all at once." Pete stands in the doorway.

What are they on about? Why are they so casual around me?

"We need to remind her of things. Tell her her story." Andy leans around the corner, next to Pete.

I cant help but notice the stitches over Patricks eyebrow and the bruise surrounding it.

"What happened to your eye?" I ask.

I point up at his scar, hesitating to touch it. I hover over instead before retreating.

Patrick is breathing heavy and is wringing his hands together.

"When you got... Kidnapped? I tried to stop him and he knocked me out in one." Patrick grimaces, tracing a finger over his eye.

"Im sorry about that." I try and sound polite.

He looks just like on that poster I have on my wall. This is amazing.

"Urm... When can I go home?"

I fiddle with the fabric between my fingers. The guys are huddling around my bed.

Fall Out Boy are huddling around me in bed.

"You are home." Pete laughs, leaning onto my bed.

"Sorry? This must be a dream." I pull the covers to my face and take in the scent. Its my own.

"You have amnesia."

This has been my dream for ever.

"We are going to help you remember."

Ive never wanted something as much as Ive wanted this. Its just more sour than I thought it would be.

"Whats my name to you guys?" I look between them.

"Skye." Joe pipes up.

"Thats a stupid name..." I chuckle.

I can see Patrick flinch.

"I chose that?"

"I... I cant..." There are tears in Patricks eyes.

"Im sorry..."

He stands up and, with a fleeting look, leaves the room.

I swear I saw a tear.

"Im sorry, this is quite hard for him." Pete tries a smile.

"We should probably try and stimulate something... In her brain that is." Andy attempts.

They whisper amongst themselves for a minute or two and I lie face down on my pillow.

A familiar song starts playing.

7 minutes in heaven

"I love this song!" I say, hoping its what they want.

They smile and nod at each other. What else can I say?

"You guys did a good job on this one."

"You wrote it." Joe leans forward.

"I wrote it."

"You wrote it."

"I wrote it?"

"You wrote it."

"I wrote it?"

"You wro-"

"Yes you wrote it, with me!" Pete breaks through Joes speech.

"Dont you remember?"

"Not really... Its a good and meaningful song but..." I start.

"Come on!" Joe starts stressing me out.

"Please! I dont understand! This is scary, please."

I pull the covers over my head and take breaths. This is pulling me apart.

"I just need some rest."

I hear shuffling and whispers. I wait for a while, taking in the warm white.

I emerge after a while. Theyre gone.

I decide to sleep again.


Lots of visions flick past me.

Ice skating with Patrick

Patricks special place

My mum coming to visit and me not liking it

A couple of puzzle pieces, but nothing of significance.

I wake with a shout, placing my hands on my face.

What do those moments mean in the long run?

I stand steadily and walk outside. Im still in my paisley dress, and its now crinkled on the side. That doesnt really matter.

"Hello?" I say quietly, leaning around the corner.

The guys turn from the table to look at me.

"I had this dream and I think its relevant?"

"Come on then, sit down!" Joe says gregariously.

I pad quickly and take a seat.

"So." I start. "Ice skating with..." I gesture to Patrick. "Patrick... Also with Patrick by the docks... That place he found special. Also my mum visiting and... Me not liking it..."

Their eyes are stuck on me, almost uncomfortably.

"Thats about it. I dont really get what it means."

A smile spreads on Patricks lips.

"Its a start, right?"

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