The Thirty-Third Chapter

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The whole way back I laugh with Patrick about how great today was. Then again, its only 2, the rest of the day is yet to come.

"You know, Patrick." I say.

"Nobody ever did anything for my previous birthdays." I say.

Its like Im reborn again. My first birthday celebration.

"Im so happy you treat me like a real person, you know?" I say.

I look over at him driving. His eyes are trained on the road, his hat tilted at a funny angle. The side of his face that I see creases with a smile.

"Im glad. It makes me happy to see you having a great time. People always say that making other people happy makes yourself happy. You could say, thats my moral." Patrick tells me.

"You know, Im now forever in debt to you." I joke. "You could make me your slave!"

"Ha! Fancy you being a slave?"

Imagine me holding a mop and pulling a sad face.

"Hey, look, we are back."

We pull into his drive and I jump out the car.

"Here, open the door, I have to get something out the boot."

Give me suspicion.

I unlock the door and open it walking inside. Its dark so I turn on a light.

"SURPRISE!" Someone shouts. Make that some people.

People spring like a Jack in a box out from different corners.

My hands fly to my face and I step back, practically out the door. Naturally, tears spring to my eyes and my face flushes. All this, for me?

"Holy shit." I mouth.

Pete smirks at me, holding his phone at me. He is probably recording this.

"Happy birthday!" Patrick emerges from behind me.

In the room there are more than the five that normally inhabit the room. I dont know more than four people.

Everyone is wearing one of those small cone shaped hats that you only see on TV.

"Wow." I manage to speak. "Is this for me?"

My finger raises to myself shakily.

"Yeah!" Someone says from across the room.

The four guys that I have grown to love come over and engulf me in a hug.

Imagine a whale engulfing a smaller whale.

"We have food and Joe managed to get some of our friends over, you may know of some of them." Pete mumbles into someones shoulder.

"I cant believe you did this." I cry.

No, really, I cant. My life has gone from 'just getting along' to 'enjoy and live well', and Ive never been so happy. This is most possibly the best day of my life.

"Come on and get a drink! A non alcoholic one, that is..." Patrick suggests.

He takes my hand and leads me to a table with drinks and snacks on it. A myriad of colours are spread across the table. Andy puts on some music and people make sounds of recognition.

Its like clubbing, without the pesky getting drunk and having sex.

"Hey, happy birthday!" Someone taps on my shoulder.

I turn around and almost screech like the teenage fangirl I am.

Standing before me is the person I used to drool over. I cried when they got married. I think he is still my phone background, wherever my phone is.

"Hi, Im Brendon." He holds his hand out.

"Jesse." I shake it.

Im touching Brendon Urie.

"Wow, youre- urm." I struggle to get over him. "How come you came to... My surprise birthday do?"

My surprise birthday do. It tastes good to say.

"Patricks told me some stuff about you!" He laughs.

What stuff? Lets hope he skips the small stuff like my escape or therapy.

"He said he was setting up a party for you one day and invited me. So here I am!"

He smiles a smile the is so bright it could blind.

"So its nice to finally meet you."

What do I say to that?

"Wow. Ive wanted to meet you ever since I listen to Panic!. You- you are such a talented person." I manage to say.

"Well, you seem to have talent yourself, judging by the fact your writing songs with the Fall Out Boy!"

I am? Oh yeah... I am.

I nod and shrug. "I guess I am..."

"Well, Ill see you around. It was nice saying hello." He winks and I feel myself start to dissolve into the air.

Brendon Urie could end the world with a wink.

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