The Fifty-Eighth Chapter

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When we get back to our house everything is normal again.

"I just had an off day." Patrick smiles at me.

I lose all those thoughts about my desperate love for him.

It was actually a desperate need for him.

That is selfish.

"Lets go and do something fun." He decides.

We end up renting roller blades and skating the park.

"You know I cant skate... Again." I smirk at him, crossing my arms.

"Im not too good at roller blading either, we can learn." He raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head with a smile, picking up the blades and putting them on.

He is the first one standing and gives me a hand up.

"What you do," He says. "is this. Its like ice skating."

"That isnt helpful." I laugh.

He pushes off and I copy. Slowly I wheel off after him. I keep my stance and let myself be moved by the wind.

Patrick is ahead already and I yell after him to slow down.

He doesnt stop so I push off faster. It all seems great, I roll faster and faster down the gravel path, until I reach the corner where Patrick is waiting.

I dont know how to turn.

Patricks hands are clasped to his mouth and I give him a panicked look.

I fly forward at the edge of the grass and roll head over heels down the hill.

"Hang in there Im coming!" Patrick yells after me.

I land with a thump at the bottom of the hill, legs splayed out like a doll.

"Are you okay?" Patrick skates down the path towards me.

"I took the short cut." I try to keep the laughter in.

Patricks face opens into a laugh. I cant help but laugh too as his head tilts back and his eyes squint.

He drops to the ground next to me and we both laugh together.

"You- you have grass in your hair!" He shouts from laughter.

I ruffle my hair and try to remove bits but Im enjoying the laughter too much.

I bet we look ridiculous.

Eventually when we calm down he starts to remove bits of grass.

"Or maybe you still have bits of green dye in your hair." He chuckles, pulling blades of grass from my hair.

"Doubt it." I look up at his true blues.

"I think thats it, do you want to continue? Ill keep you standing this time."


I clasp onto his hand, even after it becomes clammy, and he practically drags me through the park.

"Do you think anyone will see us?" I say after a while of quiet chatter.

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head.

"Like... The press?"

"I mean, all we are doing is roller blading."

"I guess so."


"I dont know. Ive heard them do pretty bad things."

"They shouldnt stop you from enjoying your day."

My foot decides to wheel off another direction and I slip, grabbing onto Patrick who isnt stable either.

Jump to us both lying in a pile on the floor.

"I think we lasted long enough." I groan.

My legs are over Patricks waist and his hand is on my shoulder. We are like a pile of limbs.

"Fine... Lets return the skates." Patrick laughs.

We end up walking through the park and back to give our skates back.

We had barely made it a hundred meters.

"After, I know this really nice hill. It has a view over the whole city... Although, it is a climb." Patrick warns.

"I can climb a hill!" I mock punch his shoulder.

"We will see about that."


So Im going away for 2 weeks, (without internet or anything)...

Dont be upset, Im updating a lot now so you wont be left hanging too much.

Gimme a star please! Comment if you have something to say!


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