The Thirty-Eighth Chapter

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I decided to give the guys some space and head to the Starbuck on the corner.

"Brendons coming over later, you might want to be back for that one." Patrick says knowingly.

"Yeah, Ill be there for that." I try not to blush.

As I close the door I can hear Joe start to play a solo. Thats crazy. Fall Out Boy being this close to me.

I sit down at the corner table and sip at my coffee.

"Oh. My. God. Becky." Someone shouts from behind me.

Two teenage girls stand at my table. I look up at them.

"Hi?" I try.

"I cant believe we found you." One of them swings her pony tail.

Am I still on that wanted list?

"We saw those photos with you and Patrick ice skating and it was so cute." A blonde girl beams.

I smile regardless. What the hell is going on? If you think Im clueless right now... Youre right.

"We dont even know your name, but can we get a photo."

And Im still smiling cluelessly.

"What is your name?"

"J-jesse?" I reply. "You saw photos? We didnt take any?"

"The paps did silly."

My mouth is dry. This is a different type of being wanted. This is a weird type of being known. "You want a photo?"

One of them hands a stranger her camera and I stand with them. I smile but the stranger takes so long to just click a button.

If you hold a smile long enough, it becomes just teeth.

Their arms are around my back, clenched on my waist. I focus on breathing.

Finally the stranger takes the photo.

"Thanks so much!" One of the girls says with enthusiasm that I could never muster, even on a good day.

"Yeah! We can tag you in it on Twitter?" The other girl says.

"I dont use twitter." I laugh quietly at myself.

"Oh... Well... Ill tag Patrick and he can show you."

"Thanks guys... Nice meeting you?"

Then they are gone.

I never caught their names.

But they wanted a photo with me... They got a photo with me.

I sit down with my now cold coffee again. People around the cafe are giving me looks.

I may need to prepare for a new type of being looked for and wanted.

I tell Patrick when he answers the door about the girls.

"Were you uncomfortable about it?" He immediately asks.

"No! Its was kind of nice actually. Dont worry about me like that Patrick! I may lack social skills, but I can pose for a photo!" I reply.

He chuckles. "I was just worried that youre going to be thrown into torture by knowing us. I havent even seen those photos myself... We should check them out later."

"I bet they are flattering."

He shrugs. "Id assume. Together, we must look heavenly."

I laugh at that. "Thats partially why they captured it in the first place!"

Patrick laughs his sweet laugh before leading me inside. "Brendons been here for a little and the song sounds great."

"Im excited to hear it then!"

I follow him through and greet everyone.

"Hows it going guys?"

"Its sounding great. Its all coming together." Pete smirks. "Youd be surprised to see how far its come."

"Then I want to hear it."

"Its like... A battle between my voice and Patricks actually. It definitely fits the conflicting thoughts of the song." brendon says.


"I like the lyrics. What can I say!" He says it sincerely.


If I had no control Id freak out.

He shrugs with a smile, returning to his mic.

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