The Sixty-Eighth Chapter

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That night I sit outside, on Patricks roof.

I breath in the cool night air and let it leave my lips in the form of clouds.

Maybe we create the sky.

Maybe thats recycling.

I think about what I remember. Where do we go from here? What else is there to solve in this chapter of my life? What hurdles can I overcome.

Im not perfect, this isnt perfect, but its... Good.

I ruffle my hand through my fringe and look out over Chicago.

Lights dot the city and the river is highlighted by boats slowly bobbing. Its pretty, Chicago.

"Hey!" Patricks voice carries over the roof. "What are you doing?"

I turn and watch him walk over and sit next to me.

"Why the roof?"

"Why not the roof? A sense of danger to keep me awake to witness... This." I say, gesturing to the city and then to him.

"I brought a blanket because... Its late and it gets cold at night? Why am I verifying it?" We both chuckle.

He sits close to me and wraps the huge blanket around both of us. I make another cloud.

"Its pretty, isnt it." I state.

Patrick hums.

Some of the lights twinkle. The city is almost silent. You cant hear anything from up here.

I turn to look at Patrick but he is one step ahead, watching me in awe of the city.

Im stuck for a moment. We are stuck in a moment.

Inches away. Breath held, moment frozen. A single second or two to appreciate a different type of view. A breath cuts the tension line, sending me looking back out at the city.

Cars go past, their own stories to care about. Im almost jealous, they dont know about this, or care. Nobody else is on their roof... In view. Nobody is sitting with a camera. That means we can...

I can feel Patricks warmth next to me. Its endlessly reassuring.

"Hey, Pat?" I say, turning to look up at him next to me.

He bites on his lip and I instinctively copy.

"Does this count as better? Can I come on tour?" It turns into a murmur as I start to get lost in his eyes.

"There isnt an announced tour yet. Although... We all know there may be one." He murmurs back. Is he getting lost too?

"If... I... Just... Take... My pills... Ill be... Fine?"

"We... Will... Have to... See..."

"You... Care... Too much..."

"Id rather... See... You... Alive..."

"Hey... Pat..."

Then it happens. The photographer who isnt there takes a photo.

We edge closer until my lips touch his.

Whilst talking we were slowly leaning in, and I swear we didnt plan it. It just happened.

It wakes me up immediately, his lips on mine. It sends shivers straight through me. My first taste of my favourite drug.

I make a surprised sound and lean in further, pressing my lips on his. It just intensifies the electricity running through me.

My head is tilted up towards him as he slowly wraps his arms around me, pulling me up against him.

The kiss we share isnt even one in the want for sex. This kiss is loving. Ive never had that.

I pull away and gasp for breath, separating us by a couple of inches.

That was... Indescribable. I crave more.

"Holy-" Patrick begins.

I lean back in for more, cutting him off. I push up against him and he holds my back and neck carefully but firmly.

I sync my lips against his slowly. My heart races as I feel around the edge of his tshirt.

"Hey, we are on the roof, lets slow down." Patrick whispers on my lips before parting.

What does he mean?

"Im not ready to fall of the roof."

(A/N HOLLA. I was gonna make this chapter 69 but oh well boo hoo. Comment and vote guys <3)

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