The Sixty-First Chapter

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I pick up a crinkled letter and hold it in the light. My old, old name is on it.


You have not returned to your home after we demanded your return.

This leads to us believing you do not want to return.

We are coming to get you so we can be a happy family again.

Theres other stuff I skip over. Its not that important, to be honest.

Its signed by my mum.

I nod once and drop the paper on the floor.

"My mum is going to drop around again soon, barricade the doors." I say casually to Patrick as he walks into the room.

Patrick stops, clinging to his coffee cup. Call this the calm before the storm.

"Firstly, you need rest." He states.

He is slightly hunched over.

"Secondly, you were literally walking dead after that drug load you were given. It was hilarious."

I walk over towards him.

"Thirdly, why is your mum visiting?"

"Check the letter." I point to the floor behind me.

"Rest. Ill check this out."

I flop onto the sofa and pull my legs to my chest. Its kind of cold. It doesnt compare to my toasted bed. Or a warm embrace.

"This is pretty crazy." Patrick mumbles.

I look up towards him. His grey blue eyes glisten as he thinks about the letter.

"Sucks, actually. Lets sort it out... But after a movie."

Im left waiting as Patrick makes a second cup of tea. This is too casual to be sane.

I pull a blanket that is hung from the sofa over me and leave space for Patrick. Soon he fills it. I lean on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me.

About half way through the movie I turn to look at Patrick. I can see him quietly panicking over the letter. Cogs in his mind show on his face and they are quietly grinding. He turns to look at me, catching me watching him. He smiles and I return it, before looking back at the screen.

He cant tell I know.

"What do you think she is going to do?" I mumble at the screen.

He shrugs, lifting and dropping me along with his shoulders.

"She can be extravagant, she has the money..."

Look at my dad, same clothes for several years, three outfits.

Look at my mum, a new pair of shoes every day, thousands of lonely clothes.

"We can have the guys camp out until it happens, if you want." Patrick squeezes my shoulder.

Its my turn to shrug.

Patrick pauses the movie.

"Do you think she would go to the point of physically moving me?" I ask.

"I dont know her that well..." Patrick leads.

"Well, I dont either."

Patrick rubs my arm and pulls me close.

"I dont want to believe yes."

We pause in silence before he plays the movie again.

I close my eyes, leaning on Patrick, suddenly overwhelmed with fatigue.

I let myself sleep again, even though I had recently woken up.

I probably need the sleep anyway.


I wake up in a similar position to which I fell asleep. Im on Patricks chest and his arms are around me. I smile to myself and snuggle into his chest.

"The guys are coming around later." Patrick mumbles.

"How long is later?" I ask.


The doorbell goes before the lock clinks.

Almost as if on queue Pete bursts in through the door, the others behind him.

"Hey!" Pete smirks.

I stand and run to embrace the guys.

"We heard some pretty messed up shit." Andy says seriously.

"Well, its true." I manage a smile.

"We should attach this to you..." Joe starts, swinging a small block attached to some string.


"Tracker. Incase, you know?"

I hold out my hand and he attaches it to my wrist. Its heavy, but not heavy enough to do any damage to my normal movements. We joke about it. Its like an extra limb.

I never really wanted an extra limb.

"Now we can just chill... I suppose." Patrick suggests.

I go and sit on the sofa, joined by Andy, Patrick and Pete. Joe doesnt make it in time for a proper space and so lies on top of us four. I throw my hands in the air so he doesnt lie on me.

The little white block on my wrist flings about, hitting Joe in the process.

"Sorry!" I cry, throwing my hands over my mouth.

"Now I know what its like to be hit by your flying white block!" Joe shouts, hands up by his face.

Who would want to know? "Are you okay?"

"Im okay, dont worry." Joe smile, shifting on top of us.

"So when is this all meant to happen?" Pete asks, next to me.

I consider it. The letter probably sent in two days...

"No idea. Next few days?" I reply.

Im not even one little bit scared of what will happen. Or maybe I cant fathom the repercussions. Maybe things are best not known.


Im back! Hows it going? Expect more daily updates. :D

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