The Fifth Chapter

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"You were- you were leaving with some guy and Pete was in the club." I can hear the frustration and anger in his voice. "He saw you on some guy and-and asked him what he was doing. Apparently you were absolutely wasted and had no idea what was going on and- and-"

"Patrick, calm. I had it under control!" I try to assure him.

"Im sorry, but you were swinging from his arms and unless 'under control' means going home with him and doing what ever he wanted then that was not 'under control'!" He takes a deep breath. "Im sorry. I know that I barely know you, but Im worried that one day you wont ever arrive home and that you will be hurt because you are reckless."

"You probably have bigger problems. Im just a side project. Im made to get drunk and help people. If I dont get home, then so be it. Now, how did I get here?"

"Look- okay Ill finish it. So Pete basically carried you here because he didnt know where you live and youve been here before. He kind of dumped you on my bed and left."

Patricks cereal has melted with the amount of milk in the bowl. His hand grips the table, clamped around the edge of the white plastic.

"Heres what I propose. Joe is coming to mine today and he recently got over a drinking addiction too."

"You think I have a drinking addiction!" I grin through my fake shock.

He rolls his eyes. "Well, yes. So, Joe can help you because I doubt that youre going to go to a therapist."

I shrug, "Its not like I ever have plans. Im off today for 3 days. A 3 day weekend."

"Whats your job?"

We go on like that for a while until Ive naturally gotten over my hangover. I notice little quirks in Patricks behaviour. His little stutters, the nod he does sometimes, the way he runs his hand through his hair every now and then. He seems like he cares for a lot of people.

Theres a knock at the door after a while. Its answered and Pete enters.

"You again? Joking, I dragged you here last night." Pete laughs, sitting at the head of the table.

I look down at the table and brush away some specks of dust into the light. It floats away, up and down to the floor.

"What time is Joe around?" Patrick asks.

"Around three- now tell me how was Patrick in bed?" Pete grins, ignoring Patrick.

"Splendid, I mean, has he had practice because he was pretty darn good." I joke.

"Yeah, we practice a lot together."

"Pete!" Patrick is bright red.

"Hey, darling, please."

"Never have we slept together. Actually, nobody in this room has slept together!"

"Patrick, you must have been so drunk! Of course we did!" I exclaim.

Patrick leans onto his elbow and bounces his spoon between his fingers. He raises an eyebrow and I smile sweetly, just studying his reaction.

Pete coughs, "So, Joe?"

"He got over a drinking addiction right?" Patricks asks.

"I dont have an addiction." I protest.

"Honey, after what I saw last night, you have an addiction..." Pete says sassily.

I shrink into my chair, do I have a problem? My jaw locks into place and I feel like my hangover has come back. I dont want to face this. Not today.

"Yeah, so... Joe can help her with her addiction." Patrick mentions.

Patrick snaps me out of my mini crisis. I look back up just as Pete looks away.

"What- what time is it now?" I shake off my thoughts.

"Quarter to 3." Patrick smiles, lifting up his wrist.

I wonder what Joe is going to be like. Is he like he is on TV? Is he going to judge me? I need to shut up.

My heart is made of rubber because stone breaks too easily.

"I... I need to call Jasmine. She may think Im dead." I say.

Not that it matters.

I walk outside and ring her up. I dont wait for their permission.

"Jasmine. Im alive and Im having a... Urm... Social life right now?" I say.

"Right. Are we partying tonight?" Jasmine asks.

"Maybe not... Ill get back to you?"

I just denied a party invite. I just denied a party invite. Thats a step forward.

"Well, you go be social and Ill see you at work." She laughs.

I hang up the phone and weigh it out in my hands. I run my tongue over my dry lips. I almost did it.

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