The Seventy-First Chapter

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So. Where do we go from here?

Everything has fallen into place. This is how it was always meant to be. Maybe things happen for a reason? Maybe my mum was meant to be horrible, maybe I was meant to get drunk and sleep with patrick that first night?

Although, this time is just another blip in the record. This time, to someone else, means nothing. But it meant the world to me. But I need to keep turning pages and living. But the corner of this page will always be folded. Ill return to this part rather than the stories of my youth.

Every now and then I pass our outlines on the wall and stop, measuring myself against it. Ive definitely grown more inside than out.

This would be the perfect time to end this chapter in my life. This is the perfect time to let you guys go.

You dont really want to know what happens after, Im sure. Thats for me to experience and you to imagine.

Maybe you want a sneak peek of what Patty boy and I have become? You wont get one of those. Ill just say we make Pete jealous. We are really something.

So... I hate goodbyes... So Im going to leave you with some final morals, because maybe Im wiser now;

You are what you love, not who loves you.

Never drink crazy amounts of alcohol. (Or maybe you should, where will it lead you?)

People will build you out of morals but it may lead to something... Better.

Oh, and go where you want to go and do what you want to do, even if you need a little help doing it.

"Oh no, we wont go, 'cause we dont know when to quit, no."

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