The Fourty-Seventh Chapter

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"Its just learning how to deal with having a portion of it gone." The doctor tells Patrick like Im not there. "There may be some... Stinging... But nothing too radical."

"Thanks doc." Patrick nods a smile.

Patricks arms cling onto lots of different bottles of pills and I frown.

"You are free to leave when you want. Ill see you next week, okay?" The doctor says directly to me.

"Yup." I reply.

I stand up slowly as the doctor leaves.

"Lets get out of this dump." I mumble.

Patrick pushes the door out with his back and I follow him outside.

"Oh wow. The outside. Long time no see eh?"

Patrick laughs and I smile at the sky. Its blue-er than anything inside the hospital. I feel... Free again.

"Oh, God Patrick." I smile. "Its so nice to be out again."

I take a deep breath of the fresh air and smile. Who would have thought this would be so great.

When we arive back everyone is sitting around a table playing cards.

"I swear Patrick cheated. He is too perfect." Pete says.

They all turn to look at us in the door way.

"Skye, isnt he perfect?"

"Urm-" I start. "More th-"

"Nobody is perfect." Patrick cuts me off,

We both sit down at the table. Around the table is; Andy, Joe, Pete, Brendon and Spencer... Spencer, the other half of Panic!.

I smile at everyone.

"You feeling better now?" Pete leans across the table to look at me.

"Oh yeah. Sure. Fabulous. Better than ever." I say, half sarcastically. "It cant be fixed in a day."

"Sure it can. Here, take some cards and join in."

I take some cards and give a few to Patrick.

"So, have you got your outfit for tomorrow Patrick?" Pete places a card.

Spencer places a card.

Joe places a card.

"Tomorrow?" Patrick asks.

Andy places a card.

Patrick places a card.

"Yeah... We have that radio thing." Pete says.

I place a card.

"We are playing some of our new songs?"

Brendon places a card.

Pete places a card.

Patrick shakes his head.

"Well then why are you sitting here playing cards Pat?" Pete asks.

Spencer places a card.

Joe places a card.

"Cheat!" Andy yells. "Youre cheating!"

Joe sighs and picks up the whole pack.

"Ill go with you Pat?" I tell him.

"Thanks." Patrick dumps his cards face up on the table.

I copy him, pushing my chair from the table.

Jump forward to us in the car.

Jump forward to Patrick singing along loudly to the radio.

Jump forward to Patrick in the changing room and me sitting just outside with a surprise.

I finger the bra between my hands. Its silky and has a lace backing.

"Hey, lets see how it looks?" I say loudly in his general direction.

"One second..." He mumbles.

I lift the bra between my fingers. Honestly, its quite ugly. Its a sickly sort of turquoise and the lace looks like a doily.

"Urm, Skye?" Patrick looks around the bra.

"I got it for you." I look up slowly towards him. My voice drains out.

He certainly has some sort of fashion sense. The clothes fit perfectly and are tight in the right places... Maybe he just has the perfect body?

"What did you say that bra was for?" Patrick asks, confused.

"It will make your outfit more... Spunky?" I try.

I stand close in front of Patrick, dangling the bra between my finger tips.

"It would look better on you." He hesitates, looking me down. "You could do a Victorias Secret fashion show for me."

I push my fingers against his chest playfully, pushing him back a step or two.

"Youre such a nerd! How do you know what that is?" I smirk.

"We played it last year. All the girls are smokin'!"

"And I could join them!"

"Im not saying you couldnt!"

I step back and try to hide my blush, focusing on my feet. Smiling at your feet is rarely ever a good look.

"Lets get you those clothes." I smile.

"So, they look good?"

"Im just saying you could be part of the Victorias Secret fashion show in that."

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