The Fifty-Second Chapter

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The next morning I slept in after getting barely any sleep.

I needed the rest.

You know how it is- my body sucks.

When I do get up, though, Patrick has left the house.

There is a note on the table reading;

Hi there!

Im out for a bit... I should be back by 4/5... Ish.

Dont miss me too much!

Ill see you later,

Patrick :)

I read it a few times and then decide to call the other parts of fall out boy.

"Andy, hello?" I ask down the line.

"Yes, this is Andy." Andy answers.

"What you doing today? Are you going with Patrick?"

"No. Pete and Patrick have an interview but they should be done by 3 ish."

Patrick said 4 or 5?

I stand at the kitchen table and pop the second pill into my mouth.

"What about you and Joe?" I ask, the pill obstructing my speech.

"We are chilling if you want to come along?" Andy replies.

"Give me ten and Ill be there." I reply, then hanging up.

Jump to me at Joe and Andys house.

Jump to me knocking.

Jump to me being welcomed and let in.

"We were about to play a very serious game of monopoly, do you want to join?" Joe says, completely sober.

"S-sure?" I ask, confused.

I crouch on the ground, by the small block on the floor, holding the board.

Andys eyebrows knit together and I watch as he rolls the first rolls dramatically.

"Serious business." Joe mumbles.

Andy moves 4 down the board and buys "little fairys princess shop".

"This shop will kill you." Andy mumbles.

I let my mind drift a bit as Joe slowly works out his tactics.

I mean, I always loved Patrick, didnt I? Did I?

But I cant until I know he loves me.

But look at how unlikely that is, honesty...

Maybe Pete is just being Pete and pranking me?

I need to lie low for a bit.

I roll the dice and move 4 spaces forward, landing on Andys princess place.

"HA!" Andy yells. "I got you! Pay up!"

I hand over some money. These guys are passionate about monopoly...

Jump back to no time in particular, one of those nights. It was somewhere in between starting to get drunk and have sex and meeting Patrick.

I had arrived at someones house, not as drunk as usual.

Their hands were on me, feeling me up and my hands were planted on their chest. His lips slowly kissing and sucking down my neck. I lean back, gasping.

They carry me to the sofa and straddle me, planting kisses all over me.

I hear the zip.

"Lets do this on my bed, my room mate might walk in..." He mumbles.

Im just desperate for another moment of human interaction and that fake love you see on TV.

He climbs up, off me and I stand, suddenly overcome by dizziness.

This would be my liver acting up, but Id just say it was head rush.

His hand snakes around me, keeping me up.

But it was too late.

That white block that Ive grown to hate hits me and I slump. Its over.

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