The Twenty-Third Chapter

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"Hey, Pete!" I say, taking the seat next to him.

Pete looks deeply concerned as he turns to look at me. He looks as if the floor slab displayed his future.

"Do you know who would be able to contact my mum and knows about my... Situation?"

He bites on his lip and leans back in his chair. His eyebrows furrow.

"Why?" He asks.

"I saw them earlier and... Even though they didnt recognise me they- they said someone told them I was here. I cant go back Pete."

He looks down at the floor again.

"That person wouldnt like me very much, I guess. To spread such a secret..." I chuckle despite the scary situation.

Jump back to when Sydney... Went and caught death.

The whole next day after Jessica was told she locked herself in her room.

She lay on her bed and cried. She took the opportunity to rid of tears from all the other stupid events she had tears from. She rid of them now because, to society, it made more sense to cry over this.

She cried until she was dehydrated and sick and tired.

All her mum did was knock hourly to ask if she had 'got over it yet?'.

Each time Jessica would wail 'no!'.

Jessica took the opportunity to be melodramatic. When someone dies you can do that, its allowed. The emotions that come with deaths are for the people that are still living. Funerals are for the living. People are selfish. Jessica took her one chance to be selfish and she milked it. She took the piss of society and mourned for almost too long.

Her mum dismissed it as 'teenage hormones'. That was wrong.

After a while Jessica started working though her morals for a guidance.

What would Jesus not do?

She decided to do as her mum said, as a final act of "you asked for it" and "youre wrong and dont think things through". She knew her mum wouldnt understand her reason for leaving. But she had already mentally left by then.

"You know, it could all be an act of fear." Pete suggests.

I nod slowly. "Then theres only 2 people it could be."

Someone calls for Pete and he swaps out for Andy and Joe.

"It could be Jasmine... But she doesnt know about... Then theres only one person it could be." I mumble to myself.

"Hows it going?" Andy asks.

"Okay, although my parents are in the area and its getting dangerous." I reply, greeting him with a smile.

It takes guts to be happy in a situation like this.

"And hows... Therapy?" Andy questions me.

Joe turns his head to the side, "Therapy?" he asks.

"Its going... Better. Does Joe need to be updated on the situation?" I reply.

If you jump forward half an hour, you can literally see the self loathing in Joes eyes.

I let it all sink in. I look out at Patrick and Pete posing on the grass and smile at them. They flash a quick smile back.

"Joe, are you okay?" I ask.

Joes mouth hangs slightly and he looks like he made a huge mistake. His cheeks are flushed and his hair hangs in his face.

"Can we talk after this, when we get back to Patricks?" He suggests after a while.

I have a feeling that today wont end too well.

We sit quietly for the rest of the time. People swapped in and out and the constant roar of fangirls continued. What would Joe have to talk about?

Fly over to Patricks house a moment or two later. Look at us huddled on the sofas and Joe pacing in front of us.

I sit quietly, even though inside Im panicking. That old lady almost got me. If someone called the police then it would all be over. Flick a switch, end a life. Its a shame because Im currently enjoying this encounter with Patrick and the guys.

"So, Im just going to explain first..." Joe starts.

His hands are laced, slowly grinding together. I smile as I feel this all slow down. I know what he is going to say.

"I thought you were a- urm... I thought you were a criminal... But I didnt want you arrested..."

I can feel Andy realise, slapping his hand onto his forehead. He shakes his head and I wait. I smile as anger quietly boils inside me. If he says what I think he is going to say... He better step back.

"This is hard to explain, but I accidentally calledyourparents and said youwerehere." He rushes.

I take a deep breath but I know theres only one way that will fill the cliche.

Patricks mouth hangs open, Pete looks even more horribly concerned, Andy has face-palmed. I dont even count down in my head before diving straight from sitting, straight at him.

Before I get anywhere, two sets of hands are on me. A pair grapple around my waist and another holding my torso back.

"Joe, I could shred you right now." I say, gritting my teeth.

My heart burns and head is cloudy. Its like I am drunk on rage.

"Why. Would. You. Do. That." I shout, struggling and pulling at the arms.

"Joe you idiot, stand safely away." Andy suggests.

My whole body is numb and my vision is cornered. Joe is the only thing I want to launch myself at.

Suddenly I am lifted from the floor.

"We will calm her down before letting her loose on you." Patrick says.

Its like I am flying as I grab at the air. I thrash and kick my legs, pounding my fists on Patricks back.

I feel proud somewhere inside as both Pete and Patrick have to hold me and drag me away.

On the other hand, Joe looks deflated and his shoulders are curled in.

Eventually I let myself go limp. Why struggle, Ill save this energy for later. I shake my head at him as I fly out.

I land softly on a bed. I think its a spare room. I could have dropped in a spare room the whole time. I try not to smile, Im keeping up my act of being absolutely fuming.

"Why would he do that?" I ask.

Pete stands with his back against the door. I can hear the click as he locks it.

I shake my head until Im dizzy.

"Joe is really stupid. At least they didnt recognise you, right?"

Suddenly the door bell goes off.

"That wasnt the worst part." Joe shouts up.

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