Chapter 3

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"You two go ahead, I need to know if it is safe there or not before taking him there.",said Adrestia to his two members, Korn and Knock. The two were smirking. "Ohh so caring already boss", said Knock. "Shut up and do as I ordered you to. There was Apollo involved for the previous kidnapping. It's very logical that his older brother would try to help him." The two best friends stopped laughing to be more serious. They nodded and went on their mission. Adrestia watched them go and prayed that what he just said to them would not come true. He did not want to face him right now. He did not want to face his past. Not now. Not ever. He turned to walk to his room when he saw Beam coming towards him hurriedly.
"What are you doing here without your mask?", exclaimed Beam. Adrestia looked at him in exasperation. "Why are you looking so concerned? Royalty wake up late. He is still sleeping anyways.", said Adrestia.
Beam crossed his arms and just looked at him. Adrestia looked at him in puzzlement and said: "You mean he is already up?" Beam rolled his eyes: "Since 7 a.m."
Adrestia vanished instantly. Beam sighed. Adrestia was seriously underestimating that human prince. He should be more cautious about his face. Adrestia was supposed to be dead. No one should know that he was still alive. No one. Especially not Varian, the number one dancer of the galaxy. If by mistake, the news of Adrestia still alive came out in the open, then the whole crew would all dead. Adrestia first. Beam shook his head. He needed to know how loyal Arthit could be. Because he sensed that Adrestia was going to mess up in front of him.

Beam was in the dining room along with Arthit. He was watching the prince eating and hence totally saw how his face illuminated when Adrestia entered the room. Adrestia was now wisely wearing his mask. Arthit was smiling at him but the latter was totally ignoring him. Arthit's face was a bit disappointed that Adrestia was not looking at him, so he lowered his face and continued to eat. "We'll be leaving in an hour.", said Adrestia to Beam who nodded. He then walked away still without acknowledging the prince. The latter sighed and asked Beam: "Is he always that cold?" Beam remained silent. Arthit raised his head to look at Beam. Beam said: "He is what he is. A cold blooded assassin." Arthit shook his head. He wanted to say to Beam that if Adrestia was really a cold blooded assassin, why did he feel safe in his presence? But he knew that that did not make any sense. He had seen Adrestia and his group in action, how they had killed the men on that spaceship. In fact, he should not be feeling safe at all. So he wisely kept his mouth shut. 

Beam saw Knott enter the room. He said: "They are back and they are saying that according to their informers, Apollo will not be there. Neither his brother." Beam nodded. Knock's and Korn's informers were usually reliable. Both Beam and Knott looked at Arthit who was not listening to them. He was in deep thought. Adrestia was no longer occuping his mind. He was thinking about something else. He wanted to know who was the child that he dreamt last night. Who was he? He was such a cute boy and his mother loved him so much. Arthit smiled sadly remembering how his mother too used to pamper him when he was little. The two second in commands were feeling the strong emotions that the prince was projecting. Knott came forward and placed his hand on Arthit's shoulder. The latter raised his head and found Knott standing there. He was so lost in his thoughts that he was not aware that he was here. He smiled at him and Knott said: "We need to go."

Arthit went with them and soon the spaceship was embarked by a small group: Knott, Prem, Kit, Ming, Adrestia and lastly Arthit. There were two more members with them who would be their back-up; Korn and Knock. And they set for their destination. Kit was asking Arthit about his performances and the latter was gladly telling how he had decided to dance. About his depression when he was little and how he was saved by music. Soon, Korn, Knock and Ming joined them and started to fire questions about the workouts that Varian had to do. The latter was explaining so passionately about his dance programs that he soon felt that intense stare on him again. He instantly blushed as he realised who was listening to him too.

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