Chapter 64

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Arthit entered the human planet, glaring at everyone on his path. Kongpob was right behind him, looking very sheepish. Bright however was walking leisurely behind these two, grinning like a fool. The guys were waiting for their return. And all of them were so confused by those different expressions of these three. Well, except Tew who was clearly trying not to laugh. Beam asked: "What happened?" Arthit exploded like he was waiting for someone to ask him that: "Ask him!! Just ask him what the actual hell he tried to do?!! Now the whole demon planet will come and search for him!! Wonderful!! Just wonderful!!!" Tew hid his chuckle, feeling Arthit's glare on him. He cleared his throat and came to the human prince, saying gently: "The deed is done now. You can relax and wait." Arthit did relax, sitting on a chair but scoffed: "The demons know that their prince was not dead and that he is with me, won't they come here to take him back??? There is enough misunderstanding between the human and demon planet as it is."

Now a total silence spread into the room. Kongpob fidgeted and stared at his feet, avoiding everyone's shocked stares. Well, except Tew, Yo and Bright who was still grinning like a fool. Ming exclaimed: "YOU are the kidnapped demon prince??????!" Kongpob shyly nodded, standing behind Arthit's chair, still avoiding everyone's eyes. Beam sighed, saying: "Of course, you are him. I mean, who else would you be? It's kinda obvious if we thought about it. You are a demon. A powerful demon too." Pha whispered, still in shock: "Why have you never told anyone about it?" Kongpob placed his hands on Arthit's tensed shoulders and tried to make him more relaxed by massaging them gently. "Well, the situation never arose. Due to the situation about how I got kidnapped, I vowed that I would never accept to go there again. I forgot about being their prince. I was not purposely trying to hide anything." Bright exclaimed: "I knew it before you all! Hehe!" Tew laughed at that. Bright rolled his eyes: "You don't count!" Tew laughed harder. 

Knott asked Kongpob: "Now what? You still do not want to go there?" Arthit stiffened under Kongpob's hands and the demon sighed: "They won't come." Annoyed, Arthit stood up, pushing his soulmate's hands away as he turned to face him: "Are you that stupid?" Slate cleared his throat and tried not to laugh at that. Kongpob retorted: "They never cared before! Why would they care now??" Slate face palmed. Way to go, Kongpob! Arthit's eyes went gold and he clenched his fists, red with anger. His body trembled with power. And he growled. "BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED YOU WERE DEAD!!!!!", he shouted. Kongpob and Slate stared at him, in shock. What the hell was happening? Slate exclaimed: "There they are!! Those eyes!! And this power he is emitting!! H-he.." He shivered in fear. Kongpob brushed Slate's concerns away and he just instinctively walked towards his very angry soulmate. Arthit growled at him and brushed his touch away. 

Tew shook his head, whispering: "He is so volatile." He walked to Kit. The latter was already looking at him with his cat eyes, ready to fight as he felt that new and unknown power. Tew whispered: "Shit, we need to distract him, Kit." The werecat stared at him. Tew looked very worried. He was muttering: "It's not time yet. Too soon." Trying what was going in Tew's head was impossible like always. So, as Arthit growled again, Kit placed his hands on his belly and exclaimed loudly: "I am pregnant!!" Ming turned to join him, understanding his strategy at once while the others looked at him in surprise. Arthit's eyes lost their focus on Kongpob and he blinked, his eyes returning to their normal colour. He exclaimed: "Pregnant??" Slate clapped his hands, pushing the matter of Arthit's eyes for later: "Ohhh babies!" Seeing the atmosphere no longer that tense, Kit smiled and nodded, his cat relaxed again. Arthit walked to him, very fascinated as he whispered: "Really?" 

Yo grinned and came to hug Kit as he congratulated the future parents. The rest of the guys followed right after and congratulated them. Bright said: "I will be their godfather!" And Beam pushed him slightly away as he said: "Keep dreaming! I will be their godfather!" The metamorph pouted: "But..."causing everyone to laugh. Kongpob said: "Well, they will have many godfathers for sure." And the guys nodded. "We'll protect them with our lives.", promised Prem solemnly. Kit leaned onto his mate, whispering telepathically: "See? We'll be fine." Ming kissed his hair and he exchanged glances with Kongpob who inclined his head. "Your cubs are safe.", he said as his eyes came silver. Slate came forward and he stared at them with a promise in his eyes. Arthit chuckled. His Slatey was damn protective of children.

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