Chapter 13

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Beam woke up and groaned as he felt the pain on his back and strangely the back of his neck. He reached out gingerly and touched his neck. He remembered that Forth had bitten him to drink his blood but that was not at the back of his neck. He swallowed hard as he remembered their mating. What had possessed him to react like with that vampire? He shook his head to push the memories for now and winced again as he felt the pain on his nape. He frowned. He glanced at the still sleeping vampire. He got up while groaning and moved towards the bathroom. There, he sighed with relief as the hot water hit his body. He stayed under the water for a long time and then got out. He took his towel and started to dry his body as he looked at himself into the mirror. He blushed. There were a lot of evidence of their mating on his body.

And suddenly, Forth opened the bathroom door. He was smiling broadly. Beam looked at him in the mirror in annoyance. "Don't you know that you must knock?" But then Forth was not listening to him. Forth had in fact blanched in shock as he saw something on Beam's nape. He raised a trembling hand towards Beam and whispered: "H-how did you get that?" Beam frowned at him while wearing his clothes. He asked: "Get what?" The poor elf had not seen the tattoo on his nape. And hence was not understanding why was his temporary mate so shocked. Forth walked tentatively to him and touched the tattoo with a trembling hand. Now Beam was worried. "What?", he asked. " Forth swallowed hard and looked at Beam's worried eyes in the mirror. He could not. He could not tell him what this tattoo represented. 

He forced out a smile and shook his head: "Nothing.. I was not aware that there were tattoos involved in our matings.." He was still speaking when he was suddenly slammed into the wall, with Beam's hand around his throat. Beam was fuming. There was a blue aura around him and he growled at Forth: "Don't fuck with me!!! We are mated, you asshole!! Do you even know what mating means?? You cannot lie to me!! I sense it, just like you will sense it too if I lie to you!! SO DON'T FUCK WITH ME, YOU HEAR!!!!" Forth sighed and said: "You don't want me to lie? But are you ready to hear the truth, Beam?" Beam squeezed his throat more tightly: "Truth is all I want to hear."

Forth chuckled dryly and easily shook Beam's hand away from his throat: "Alright. This tattoo is a symbol from our deities. It is something that usually appears after the mating between partners. When this tattoo appears for a couple, it means that they were mated in their precious lives. They are meant for each other." He crossed his arms and smiled sweetly at Beam who was glaring at him. "Aren't you glad to know the truth?", he said too sweetly. Beam asked him: "So, we are mated permanently then? How is that possible? I have not bonded permanently with you." Forth shook his head and said: "We are not. This tattoo is just a symbol to show us that we are meant for each other. There is a ritual that is needed to be done for us to be bonded for life." Beam asked: "Which is?" Forth shook his head again: "You cannot ask me that if we are not bonding for life. This information is none of your business till then."

Beam's blue aura started to spread again and he glared at Forth: "I-" Forth placed his hand on Beam's mouth and whispered: "I was nice the first time you attacked me because I lied. The next time I won't be that nice, elf of mine. You better retrain yourself if you do not want a spanking from me." Beam's eyes flashed and he removed Forth's hand angrily: "Spanking? Ha!! In your dreams!!!" And he walked away. He was confused right now. According to what Forth told him, they were mated in their previous lives. And the deities wanted them to be mated again. Bonded for life this time. How was that possible? He never heard this kind of mating before. 

When Beam walked out of the bathroom, Forth crumbled down on his knees. His entire body was trembling. He was still in shock. Moreover, he had omitted a small fact from Beam. That tattoo meant that Forth was bonded with Beam for life. If Beam died, Forth would die too. So, technically, they were not bonded for life. Only Forth was bonded. Forth whispered to himself: "I have not lied him..I just decided that not to tell him this last piece of information.." He closed his eyes and remembered how he had developed his crush on his elf for a long time. Since they were little. His little shy elf. He smiled tenderly at the memory. Then he planned to know who killed his parents and went to meet his Beam. Their chemistry was off the charts on that night. 

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