Chapter 83

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"KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", shouted Arthit telepathically with all his might and Kongpob fell down on his ass as he heard that scream. Slate went cold with fear. Was Arthit in danger? Kongpob hurried to get to his soulmate. Did something happen to him? To the babies? Shit, he should not have left him alone. He teleported right into their suite and looked for enemies. He walked hurriedly to Arthit who frowned at him. "Why are you having a nosebleed?" He grabbed tissues and wiped the blood. "What's wrong with you, Kong?", he exclaimed. He tried to make Kongpob sit down and he said worriedly: "Are you okay?" It was because Arthit shouted so hard in his head that he was having a slight nosebleed but this was not important now. He brushed his concerns away and said: "Why did you shout? Did something happen? The babies?" Arthit sat down on his lap and said: "Ohh that!! The babies moved!!!"

Kongpob stared at Arthit. The latter grinned and placed Kongpob's hand on his extended belly. Slate gasped. "I felt it!!!" and Kongpob froze as he felt the slight movement too. A slight and fluttery kick now and then. He looked at his soulmate who nodded and said: "It's amazing, right? That's our babies!" Kongpob nodded back with Slate shouting in the background. Arthit shouted too and hugged his soulmate. Slate exclaimed: "Hey wait!! I want to feel it again!! Touch his belly again, Kongpob!!!" Arthit chuckled and let Kongpob touch him again as he rested his head on his chest. Slate gave out a squeal: "I can't wait for when the babies come out!!"  They stayed like this and Slate kept giggling as he felt the babies move. However, he soon pouted when the little munchkins stopped moving for a while. Arthit laughed: "I'll tell you when they move again, Slatey." 

Reaching the human planet, Arthit whispered: "Your mother said Jake has resigned. This does not make sense." Kongpob frowned: "Why not? It's wonderful news in fact!!" Arthit rolled his eyes. Slate nodded, totally agreeing with Kongpob. At least Jake would no longer be around his favourite human anymore. Knock was waiting for them outside the palace. He said: "Tew informed me that you are coming here. I... I have something to tell you." He grimaced, feeling very embarrassed. Kongpob smiled encouragingly at him and Arthit asked: "Should I leave?" "Of course not.", replied Knock. He lowered his head and explained the situation to them. "You see, we dragons have predestined mates. Or should I say most of them. The reason why I fled the dragon planet was because my parents asked for a boon from an oracle and he predicted that I won't have a predestined mate. Becau-because I am not that strong. My control on fire is not that strong as my sister or my parents. So, I asked my father the permission to leave the planet since he already announced that I won't even have a mate. The king accepted on the condition to let me control the foreign affairs. He never let anyone else leave the planet. This is our golden rule. We don't mingle with others. I don't know how my sister got to leave though."

He stopped talking and fidgeted. Arthit asked softly: "Is it your sister that we met the other day?" Knock raised his head, surprised. The human continued with a smile: "The dragon tattoo was very beautiful." Knock nodded: "Yes, that must be her. Jenna." He looked at Kongpob and said: "She found her mate here." "Huh?", exclaimed Kongpob but Arthit asked: "Could dragons have other species as mates because there are no other dragons around here, right?" Knock blushed slightly: "We did not have the idea that dragons could mate with other species too until Jen found a demon as her mate." Now both Kongpob and Arthit gaped at him. They exclaimed in sync: "Jake??!!!" Knock reluctantly nodded. He whispered in embarrassment: "Jenna took him away.. more like she just made him unconscious and kidnapped him." Kongpob let out a chuckle and Arthit instantly glared at him. The demon covered his mouth and tried to control his joy. 

Slate however could not hold it at all and burst out laughing. Kongpob bit his lip and averted his face as he tried to hide the fact that he was on the verge of laughter too from his soulmate. Slate continued to laugh as he said: "Th-that dumbass!!! Pffftt hahahahhaahahhahahahha!!!" Kongpob made as if he was rubbing his face while he was smiling: "Stop it, you. Arthit is glaring at us..." But Slate could not stop at all. He continued to guffaw loudly, completely forgetting that Arthit could hear him. "H-he ahahhahahahaha he actually oh god ahahahahahahahha he actually got kidnapped buhahahahaha by HAHAHHAHAH a WOMAN!!!! I can't... wait oh god HAHAHHAHAHA!!!" Kongpob was now vibrating with laughter too, still hiding part of his face with his hand. Both of them froze when they heard a clearing of throat in front of him.

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