Chapter 22

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Adrestia finally got to the headquarters. His blood went cold as he walked to the entrance. The door was wide open. There was blood on the retinal scanner. His hands started to tremble. It was those hands that held that of his soulmate a few hours ago.  

"Just promise me that you will take care of yourself then."  Arthit had said to him before he left him.

"We'll continue our conversation when I come back. I promise." Adrestia had promised him.

He would meet him here, right? He was safe, right? Adrestia clenched his trembling fists in fear. Slate growled and said: "Will you stop?? Walk quickly." Slate was scared too. To find if their fears were well founded was more important. Adrestia entered the kitchen and saw Tew lying on the ground. They could not have killed an oracle. This was against the rules. He came to him and checked him quickly. He sighed in relief. He was just unconscious. But the sight of Tew unconscious like this made Adrestia rush to where he left his soulmate. Their sanctuary. The place where he had been spending his nights more often than his own room. The room where he was given his first kiss by his soulmate. Arthit's room. Slate spoke: "He is not there" just as Adrestia opened the door with dread. 

He shut his eyes in pain and was about to turn his back when Slate said: "Wait. I can smell blood." Adrestia's eyes opened in shock. Blood? He walked completely in the room and saw someone lying on the floor. "You just told me that Arthit was not here, right?", he said to Slate telepathically. Slate remained silent. Adrestia trembled as he moved towards the body. The blood was everywhere. Adrestia frowned as he realised that it was Oak who was in fact lying there in the middle of all that blood. He checked his pulse and felt a faint one. He was still alive but barely. Who could be that cruel? Oak was not even proficient in fighting. His skill was healing. 

He checked the wounds and tried to stop the bleeding of the fatal ones with his healing power. When he finished, he was all tired and was feeling faint. He tried to take deep breaths to calm his erratic heartbeats. Two healing sessions were decreasing his strength at an alarming rate. Slate growled and said: "That was stupid. What if it was the council who took Arthit away? How are you going to save him in this state? You never use your brain, do you?" Adrestia snapped: "Don't you think I know this? But I can't leave Oak in that state either." He was about to get up when he saw a marble under the chest of drawers. He picked it up and examined it. He recognised it. It was the same that came from the Union of Assassins. He frowned. Oak groaned and said: "Arthit..." Adrestia instantly came to him and said: "Yes where is he?" 

Oak whispered: "Zeus.." And placed something bloody in Adrestia' s hands. It was another marble and it said: "I'll be waiting for you. Don't be late or your prince might explode just like you exploded my Yo." It even had an address in it. Adrestia saw red and got up. He swore as he walked determinedly to his single fighter. He muttered: " That fucker is taunting me!! It was not enough for him to try to kill Yo. And now, he is after Arthit. This is his second attempt of trying to kidnap him. Wait no. It's more than kidnapping!! Last time, he tried to kill him!!" Adrestia kept on muttering to himself and Slate nodded gravely to everything he said. 

Meanwhile at the address where Zeus had taken the human prince..

Zeus was shouting: "Are you out of your mind???? An oracle is a sacred being, Apollo!!!! Our first lessons as assassins was NOT to hurt them. But you fucking blasted him with a fireball and made him unconscious before I could do or say anything!! On top of that, you threatened Varian that you were going to kill his friend. Which was fine. He was about to come with us. He was afraid for his friend. It could be seen in his eyes. But no!! You have to go and nearly killed the guy where I was searching for the marble!! I am pretty sure he is dead now. How am I supposed to explain that to the commander now?? We are NOT supposed to kill anyone who is not our hit or mission. And we are a team!! You know what a team means right? We consult each other before making any move!!! Because of you I could not complete my search and had to take the prince from there!!"

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