Chapter 31

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Kit had left Forth and walked to his ship. They should be going to the elf planet together but Kit had wanted to go somewhere else first. Forth had smiled when Kit had mumbled out that he needed to check out something. Soon, the ship got to the werewolf planet and he got out. The guards instantly let him through and they all bent their heads in respect. They were always respectful towards him before when he was only the werecat prince. But now that he became the mate of the werewolf prince, he was much more important. He sighed and inclined his head to them before getting to the palace.

He was soon stopped by the personal guard of the werewolf King and was requested to wait for the king in the throne room. He scratched his back of his neck and asked the guard: "Can't it wait? I want to-" He saw the queen walking towards him. She was smiling. He guessed the meeting with his parents went well. Well, it would go fine especially when he had said to his dad that he was renouncing his right to the throne. His brother or sister or even cousins could be kings too. They were not mated to the prince of the werewolves. Ming should be grateful of the big sacrifice he had done for him. He winced as he remembered who threw himself to the werewolf prince though. Ohh okay, Ming did not have to be grateful. They were even. He saved both planets from a possible war.

The queen hugged him and she frowned. Her son's mate was smelling of vampire. Who? She said: "You must love Ming for choosing him instead of the throne. Thank you." Kit simply smiled at her. There was no need to explain how his cat had thrown himself at her son and hence they were mated. The queen looked at him and said: "You are waiting for the king, right?" Kit nodded and said: "Yes, they told me he wanted to talk. But.." And the queen winked at him: "But you want to meet someone else, hmm? By the way, how did you convince him to stay here while you go ahead and talk to your parents?" Kit blushed and averted his eyes. If the queen only knew... The queen chuckled and said: "You know what? Go ahead and meet him. He has been in his room since you left. I will handle the king and send food for both of you."

Kit nodded his thanks and walked to Ming's room. He reached out to open the door when the door opened and he was pulled inside. Ming was growling and he had one hand around Kit's throat. His purple wolf eyes were out and he was looking very angry. Kit glared at him: "Is this the way of welcoming someone in your room?" Ming growled again and threw him on his shoulder, his grip tight on Kit's thighs. And carried him off like this to the bathroom. Kit was so shocked that he did not fight at all. He dragged Kit under the shower and as the water hit Kit, he shouted: "Are you crazy??" as he tried to get out of the shower. But Ming got into the shower too and wrapped his arm around Kit's waist to stop him from leaving. He growled out: "Strip." Kit glared at him: "With you in here, no way!!" Ming smirked at him with his fangs out. It was like Kit had just challenged his wolf. Kit looked at him warily and Ming shredded Kit's clothes with his claws. His shirt was gone in seconds. Kit's mouth fell open in surprise. His pants disappeared too. And just like that he was standing naked in front of Ming.

He hissed in anger, his cat coming out, his eyes cat-like. Ming lifted his eyebrow at his mate. Seriously, Kit? He growled as he came behind him and licked the bite mark, reminding the cat who mated him. Instantly, the cat purred, submitting to the wolf. Kit rolled his eyes. His cat was such a traitor. Ming grabbed Kit's hair and pulled his head back as he growled out in Kit's ear: "Shapeshifters have a keen nose. You know that very well. And yet you came back to me covered with someone's else scent?? You expect me to be fucking fine with it?? Seriously?? I knew cats were arrogant but this one is a bit too much don't you think??" He turned Kit towards him as he moved his hand to his nape. "You are fucking mine, Kit!!", he claimed as he tightened his hold on Kit's nape. 

Kit glared at him: "You are being impossible right now, Ming. Just calm down and listen to me." Ming gave out a dry laugh and said: "I don't want to listen to anything. You handcuffed me, Kit!! Fucking handcuffed me and left!! Not that this was fucking enough!! You went ahead with that damn plan!!" Kit snapped and shouted: "WOULD YOU STOP SWEARING AND LISTEN TO ME??" Ming glared at him and left him right there in the shower: "Get that scent off you and I might listen." Kit watched him go and winced as he slammed the bathroom door with a loud bang. He switched the shower to a hot one and let the water fall on him. He closed his eyes and the whole scenario of these past three days replayed in his head. 

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