Chapter 37

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Poor Kongpob indeed. Arthit narrowed his eyes at him as he asked: "So, what was that?" Kongpob looked at him sheepishly and said innocently: "What was what?" Arthit crossed his arms and asked: "It was just a friendly touch. Right?" Kongpob remained silent and Arthit tapped his foot in annoyance. Slate cleared his throat. Kongpob asked him: "Slatey, correct me if I am wrong but Arthit was glaring at me because I was touching Beam?" Slate said: "I am not even going to answer such a ridiculous question. And stop with that Slatey at once or I swear I am going to find a nickname for you too!! A funny one on top of that!!" 

Kongpob whispered: "I thought because he came to know of my plan of meeting Pha tonight." Slate groaned: "Oh god! Why such a dumb owner? I deserve better!" Arthit narrowed his eyes at Kongpob and grabbed his hand: "Come with me a minute, demon boy." Slate sighed and muttered to himself: "That boy just dug his own grave. Now that Arthit came to know about the meeting with Pha, he would fight to go with Kongpob. And as always Kongpob would refuse to let him go. But in the end, we all know what will happens, right? Arthit is always the winner. Rest in peace, master."

But Kongpob walked with Arthit, smiling like a fool. He glanced at his soulmate's furious face and grinned. Arthit was seriously jealous about Beam. Which was silly of course. Kongpob was just teasing Beam about Forth, nothing else. He wrapped his arm around Arthit's waist and he leaned his chin on his shoulder. He then whispered: "Are you really jealous?" Arthit turned into his embrace. He pushed Kongpob against the pillar right next to them and he leaned over. He said, his lips nearly touching Kongpob's: "I really don't like repeating myself, so listen very carefully. Yes, I am very jealous. I was jealous when I thought Kit liked you. I was jealous when I saw you kissing Pleng in my dream. And now, I am jealous of you touching Beam. Yes I know Beam is already mated and that you are friends. But I-" Kongpob cut him off by wrapping his arms around his waist and kissed him. 

"The jealous you is very cute.", he said as he broke the kiss, licking his lips. He was indeed savouring the feeling of his soulmate being very jealous. And he chuckled yet again as he kissed his soulmate's frown away. Slate said: "It feels that nice, huh?" And Kongpob nodded eagerly to his question. Arthit hid his smile. They often forgot that Arthit could hear them talking. He said: "So, at what time should we get going to meet Pha?" Kongpob instantly frowned and Slate sighed: "And here it comes." Arthit wrapped his arms around his soulmate's neck and whispered: "You seriously think that I was going to let you go there alone?" Kongpob replied instantly with a confident "Yes." And Arthit rolled his eyes in tandem with Slate.

Kongpob said in a very cold voice, like the badass assassin he was: "You are not coming with me and that's final." Slate gasped as Arthit narrowed his eyes. "Did you just speak coldly to me??!", said Arthit crossing his arms. Kongpob took a deep breath and said: "Okay, I am sorry for being cold right now but still you are NOT going." Arthit stared at him for a long minute, making Slate squirm a bit but Kongpob stood his ground. His expression was like "No matter what, I am sticking to my decision." Arthit glared at him and walked away angrily. Slate watched him go and asked Kongpob: "What are you doing?" Kongpob replied, knowing perfectly well that Arthit was hearing them: "Trying to keep my soulmate safe."

Arthit scoffed as he walked away. Keeping him safe, his foot. What about keeping himself safe for once?? The last time Kongpob went to see Pha, he got poisoned. Why was he so stubborn?? Feeling a light tap on his shoulder, he turned and exclaimed: "What???" Kit raised his hands in defense: "Woah!" Arthit asked, still frowning: "What do you want?" Kit stared at him, a little apprehensive but then cats were curious by nature, so he asked: "Are you mad?" Arthit glared at him. Kit said: "Okay, you are mad. Euhhhm... mind if I ask why?" Arthit said: "Your so called leader said that he wanted to keep me safe! So, he refuses to take me with him! But then that bastard tried to kill him before! And yet he is going alone to meet him!! I am not saying that he is going to poison him again. But better be prepared, right? But no!! He would just do as he wants!!" Kit started to speak but Arthit continued to rant: "And you know what else he did?? He used his cold assassin voice on me!!"

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