Chapter 80

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This chapter might be weird. Might be confusing too. I am feeling weird too. Crying too.. Ugh..


The weather was grey and gloomy as if to match with the moods and pain of the people. It was a dense atmosphere, just like a heavy stone placed on everyone's hearts. Some of them were sobbing. Some just stood there, staring into space, the tears rolling on their cheeks in silent grief. Others were crying loud, hearts breaking at the sounds of their cries. They were inconsolable. In the front of the people standing, there were two silver caskets. There lied the demon queen and the demon king. The prince was standing near them, his eyes full of pain and struggling to control the grief. He was looking for that numbness, that emptiness he used to have before. But it refused to come, letting the pain take its place, causing him question himself about why were they gone. Why must it happened to him? Had he suffered enough? Just when he was finally with them, they had been snatched so cruelly from him. Why? The princess was next to him, collapsed on the floor and crying so hard. She still could not believe that her parents were suddenly gone. They were fine the last time she had seen. Everything was fine, so why were they now gone?

A little girl walked among them, all those thoughts of the people coming through her. Shivering, she continued to walk looking for someone else with tears strained eyes. Where was her mama? Should he not be here? Why was granny and grandpa out there in those boxes? Why was Yihwa aunty asking why they were gone? They were not gone. They were there in those boxes, sleeping. Why was papa there, trying not to cry? And why were the other people crying? She brushed the tear rolling on her cheek absently since it was tickling her face. She opened her mouth to shout for her mama. Maybe he was hiding from her. Because maybe he knew she was sad and wanted to cheer her up by playing with her. She opened her mouth and tried to shout but no sound came out. She tried again but still no sound came out. Terrified, she held her throat with trembling hands, tears now flooding her face. Why could she not talk? Why could she not call for her mama? Why was everyone crying!! Why was everyone so sad?! 

Her knees weakening, she collapsed on the floor and opened her mouth to now burst out crying when her little body was suddenly hugged by someone from behind. "Don't cry.", whispered the small voice next to her ear. A little hand patted her head, trying to calm her down: "Please don't cry." She nodded, sniffing and trying to stop crying but then she raised her head and saw her papa finally breaking down and crying in her mama's arms. She lifted her hand and with a voice full of pain she shouted: "MAMA!!!" As soon as her voice came out, the scene disappeared in front of her. She gasped, out of breath and turned her head, looking for the person who was just hugging her behind. He was no longer there. She saw Ae coming towards her and he hugged her: "Where have you gone again? Don't leave me alone again." Alyssa just hugged him tight and finally stopped crying. She wrapped her fingers around Ae's and they walked together out of this dream. She never wanted to see that dream again. Never ever again.

Tew woke up in a start. He was shivering and his head was aching so hard. He just had the vision of the funeral of the demon king and queen but then he had no idea what happened afterwards. He had felt Alyssa's presence in his vision. In his vision!! How was that possible? The most astonishing part of it was that she shouted for Arthit so loud and so powerfully that the vision disappeared. He tried to breathe, tried to relax because he knew something weird and yet important just happened. But what? He could not say it at all. At the same time, Arthit woke up, feeling uncomfortable. He could feel the panic and the sobs of his soulmate and asked him telepathically worriedly: "What? Kongpob!! What is wrong? Why are you crying?" He frowned harder as he found Ming and Kit in his room. He lifted an eyebrow at Ming who explained the situation about how they found out that Pring had taken Korn's appearance and so on. At the same time, Kongpob told him telepathically: "Poisoned... mommy has been poisoned..." Mommy? Diana!! But what was Diana doing there? What the hell was happening??

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