Chapter 45

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Take a deep breath and say together with me: "I am not going to be mad at the author. I really won't."


"Going back to my planet?", asked Arthit with a sleepy voice. And when what his soulmate said finally hit him, he exclaimed, his voice full of hope: "Back home?" Kongpob watched his face and nodded. Arthit sat up and held Kongpob's hand: "You are coming with me too?" Kongpob kissed his forehead and whispered: "Where else would I be?" Arthit grinned: "True." Kongpob said: "I am taking you there because Pring is dead and the contract that she has set against you is now annulled. Korn has checked it out for me. And based on what he said, the council spy is found from your royal guards. So basically, your planet is now safe for you to be there. You can go back without any fear. I know you miss your father, your home, your people. I know you have dreams." Arthit shook his head as he replied: "But you come first for me, Kong." And then his expression became worried and he asked: "Won't it be dangerous for you?"

Kongpob said: "It's more like you should be worried with the fact that Adrestia, the greatest assassin is coming with you. It would not be dangerous for me. It will be dangerous for them. And for you if ever they come to know the truth. Imagine you, the prince of the human planet being engaged with me, Adrestia." Arthit shook his head: "I don't care and they don't need to know who you are. As long as I know, it does not matter who else knows." Slate nodded. He had not expected any different answer. 

"But baby..", continued Kongpob. Slate held his breath as he waited for his master to drop the bombshell. And Kongpob wanting to be even closer to his soulmate, wrapped his arm around his waist and dragged him on his lap. Arthit smiled and wrapped his arms around his soulmate's neck, patiently waiting for whatever his soulmate was going to say. Kongpob took a deep breath and he stated as he stared at Arthit's neck, avoiding his direct eyes: 

"I no longer want to be Adrestia anymore. I want a new identity. I want to become someone new worth of you. I don't want danger to surround me anymore which will make you unsafe. Adrestia was born due to various reasons. Now that the reasons are gone, I want to go back to who I was when I was eight years old. A world where there was no violence. To push everything back as my past is going to be difficult. But I want to give it a try. Give this world that you gave to xme a try. Try to be simply your soulmate. To make your dreams come true. To see you dance again on stage. To be with you at every step of your life without fear."

And he tentatively raised his gaze to look at his soulmate. Arthit was looking at him with tears in his eyes. He hugged Kongpob and buried his face into his neck: "I love you. And I love you for what you are. Doing something like this will be difficult just like you said but I promise I will be at your side at every step of it, Kong. And you too Slatey baby." Kongpob hugged him back and Slate blinked his tears away. It was a very emotional moment for them all. Oh he would feel weird not killing individuals now. He might even get bored. But it was okay as long as his master and his soulmate were safe. Time to turn the page now. He watched with a smile as Kongpob brushed his soulmate's tears. He would do his best to keep these two as happy as they were right now. They deserved it. His two special persons.

As Kong announced his decision to Arthit and with Arthit accepting it, they had unknowingly decreed another part of their lives. And at another corner of the galaxy, the consequences of Kongpob's decision were being prepared.

"I have always hated you for whatever you have done to me. If you were not in this world, if she had not met you, my Alyssa would have been with me. She would still love me. But all because of you, everything got destroyed. I might have gained the throne but in the end, I lost what was the most precious to me. My Alyssa!!! All because of you!!!, exclaimed the man as he looked at the person on the bed with all types of machines attached to her and continued his rant: "You should be dead!! In fact, I should kill you right now for whatever you have done!!" He then stopped talking and took deep breaths. He then stated: "But I won't. Because you are going to help me. And I won't owe you anything for whatever I will ask you to do for me. Got it?"

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