Chapter 15

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"We'll be going in the party in pairs. Those who got official invitations from the elf king are Kit, Ming, Tew, Bright, Prem and Knock." All the royals were the ones who were officially invited. Well, except Tew and Bright. Bright was like a brother to Beam and P'Wai and Tew would be the one to bless the ceremony. Adrestia walked around the table and said: "All of you who are officially invited will be taking a plus one with you. Kit with Oak. Tew with Knott. Ming with Arthit. Bright with Toota. Knock with Korn. Prem with Wad." Arthit who was present in the meeting said: "What about you?" Bright and Prem smirked. And Tew smiled. Adrestia ignored them and said: "I'll be there." They talked about the possible outcomes that could arise and what actions would be taken. "If something happens, Ming, you take Oak and Arthit you leave. The rest will be fine on their own." Ming nodded. When the meeting was over, Adrestia watched his soulmate walk away with Bright, still talking about costumes. He was feeling very afraid to let him go there. He just wished to lock him up. Then, just when Arthit was about to leave the room, he looked back and waved at Adrestia. 

Tew chuckled as he stood next to Adrestia and watched Arthit's little wave. Adrestia, still watching the door even when Arthit was gone, asked Tew: "Is he going to be fine, Tew? Why am I feeling like something big is going to happen tonight?" Tew patted his back and said: "You always listen to your instincts, Adrestia. Do you feel that something bad is going to happen?" Adrestia shook his head: "I can't explain what I am feeling." Tew smiled at him saying nothing. Adrestia sighed: "You are not going to tell me anything, right?" Tew shrugged. Adrestia growled and said: "But still, you threatened me about telling him about the soulmate thing. You tell him a lot of things but not me." Tew laughed and said: "That's because YOU are not telling him. He needs to know where he stands and I am helping him. Remember, I am not supposed to be helping him. You should be the one helping him to understand. He even asked you to." Adrestia remained silent and Tew continued: "You are very stubborn, Adrestia. Just go and wear that costume. Don't disappoint him this time."


Prem said: "All done." Adrestia got up and walked in front of the mirror. He stared at himself. He looked so different and yet still the same. He touched his eye and said: "It's just a spell, right?" Prem shrugged: "It would have been nice to have one of your eyes for my potions but since I value my life, yes it is a spell." Adrestia touched his hair and said: "Does it have to be like this?" Prem said: "Yes, it's part of the costume." Adrestia sighed and said: "Thank you for your help." Prem nodded. Adrestia then leaved for Prem to be ready too. He wondered what Arthit would think about this costume of his. Adrestia wanted to see what he was wearing too. He fidgeted and was about to head for Arthit's room when Knott called for him to check something. It looked like it would have to wait to see his costume. It was not like he was that eager to see his mate. Not at all.

He teleported himself to the ship and nearly scared Knott to death. He asked: "Am I dreaming?" Adrestia said: "Cut it out, Knott." Knott's eyes widened and continued in saying in the pirate voice: "I thought not. If it were, there would be rum.." Adrestia glared at him and said: "Is this why you called for me?" Knott simply shook his head, still dazed. Adrestia did not understand why was Knott so shocked. Knott himself was disguised in some kind of pirate costume and was even imitating that pirate!

 Knott himself was disguised in some kind of pirate costume and was even imitating that pirate!

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