Chapter 67

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Some of you will like "HAHA I WAS SO RIGHT!!" after reading this chapter 😂😂

But ALL of you are going to be super excited afterwards, I hope.. 

One question: For my previous work, I stopped it right after the babies were grown up.. Do you want me to continue this one? Like a spin off for the babies? {Why am I saying this when I already have two unfinished stories?}


Alyssa laughed and she ran to Tew. She hugged him tight, shouting: "UNCLE TEW!!!!" Tew chuckled and hugged her too. "Alyssa, what made you so happy?", asked Tew. Alyssa raised her shining eyes and she said excitedly: "Mama knows! I felt the healing magic piercing our spell, uncle Tew. They now know and we no longer have to heal or take care of mama now. Papa will take care of us all!" Tew stared at her and made her sit down: "What do you mean you no longer have to heal your mama?" Alyssa raised her head and looked at the sky. She whispered: "Mama is getting too weak. We can feel it when he gets tired. We can feel it when he gets nightmares. But we cannot heal him completely." Tew pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms around her, laying her head against his chest: "You don't have to do anything now, baby. You are right, Kongpob will do everything now. Your mama will be fine."

Alyssa asked: "Promise?" Tew smiled and kissed her forehead: "Yes, sweetheart. He will thrive." Alyssa turned to her right: "See? Even uncle Tew is telling us mama will be fine." Tew frowned, a bit frustrated: "And why can't I see him yet? You keep speaking to him whenever you bring me here but I can't see him!!" Alyssa turned back to him and she said in a serious tone: "He is too shy. But he is always here with me. He is my twin afterall." Tew lifted an eyebrow. "Is he invisible?" Alyssa laughed. "Of course not! I am just not allowing you to see him yet. He refuses to be seen by anyone." Tew sighed. Alyssa patted his hand in sympathy and she said to her twin: "You made uncle Tew sad." She frowned and stared at the space next to her. Tew guessed the boy was speaking telepathically to her and she retorted: "But he is nice. Right?" 

She turned to Tew who nodded eagerly. She then smiled at whatever her twin said and she waved her hand: "This is my dream! You forget I can do anything in it, brother!" Seconds later, Tew found a boy peeking from behind Alyssa. His eyes were golden like her sister. Tew waved at him and smiled softly. The boy slowly moved from behind her sister and looked at Tew. His cheeks were red and he timidly advanced forward. Tew looked at him and he grinned. It was clear where Arthit's outgoing nature went and where Kongpob's shyness went. As soon as he said softly: "Hi", the boy startled and he ran back behind Alyssa's back. Alyssa rolled her eyes. And Tew chuckled. He was so cute.

Tew opened his eyes, a smile on his face and he looked at Kit who was crying. It was then that he realised that he had just fallen asleep while trying to watch a movie with Kit. Hence, this dream of his. He asked Kit: "Tell me you are not crying because of the movie!" Kit sniffed and said: "Why did his father diiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee?" He placed his hands on his belly and sniffed some more. Tew rolled his eyes. Pregnant mates. "Ming, come and get your mate." "The good dinosaur is over?" Tew frowned slightly: "How come you know the title of the movie we are watching when you are not even here?" Ming sighed: "Because I am getting an update of what's happening in the movie with my mate." "Ohhh", said Tew as he turned to watch Kit and chuckled. The latter was still crying and he said: "I want hot chocolate." Tew told Ming: "He wants hot chocolate."

"Roger that.", replied Ming. And he changed direction to the kitchen. Tew asked him: "Aren't you supposed to go to your planet now?" Ming nodded: "Kit wanted to meet Arthit a last time before we go." Tew smiled: "Then you have to go to the demon planet to meet with him because he won't be back so soon." Ming exclaimed: "He succeeded to get Adrestia there???!!" Tew smirked: "Of course." Ming smiled and said: "That's good news." Tew nodded. There was more good news but he was going to leave it for the future parents to tell. As soon as Ming and Kit moved to their planet, he was going to visit his own planet. He missed his grandfather. Maybe he would take his favorite cyborg man with him.

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