Chapter 21

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Five years back...

Kongpob's mission for tonight was to escort a client to a certain human prince's birthday. He sighed inwardly. He hated those kind of missions. Give him someone to kill. Give him something  to destroy. All these were fine. But those boring parties. No, thank you. Moreover, to watch a human dance for his birthday? He could only guess how boring that would be. And on top on that, his client was a woman. A woman. A woman who could not keep her hands to herself. He was gritting his teeth as he removed the woman's hands from his thigh for the umpteenth time. Damn woman, get a fucking clue!! He was sitting next to her and looked at the rising curtains. The show was starting. He took a deep breath and waited for the boredom to get to him. 

An elegant young man came on stage. Slate stirred. Kongpob frowned. But then, the human started to dance. Kongpob's eyes widened as he felt a stirring in his leather pants. He was sure that the human's dance was not supposed to be seen as erotic but why was he seeing it as such? And his eyes were glued on him all the time through the performance. He could not help it. He was feeling such a strong attraction to the human that he had to grab the arms of the chair hard to stop himself from going to the human and to kiss him hard on that stage itself. He was now very intrigued about that human. Who was he? Why was he feeling this kind of attraction to him? 

He kept watching the performance which was now not boring at all. The sexy human was now looking hard at the audience from the stage, breathing heavily. Damn, Kongpob wanted to go to him again. He was looking so red and wanted to mess him up. He closed his eyes and tried to control himself. The woman got up and clung on his arm to take him away from the theater. They reached the bar and amazingly enough, Kongpob found his sexy dancer again there. He looked hot even more closer. Damn, those pink lips. He licked his in desperation. His client was now ordering her drink at the bar, very close to the sexy dancer and he instinctively moved even closer to him to stare at him again. The sexy dancer suddenly looked around and tripped. Kongpob moved rapidly and wrapped his arm around the slender yet muscled waist of his sexy dancer. Kongpob was thankful of the shadows that hid his blush. 

And he let his sexy dancer go. He swallowed hard and started to move away. But then his sexy dancer said in a soft voice: "Who are you?" Kongpob sighed. He was K, the number one assassin of the Union. But he could not tell him that, right? He then frowned. He could not say his real name either. He then realised that he was on a mission and no matter how intriguing this human was, he would never get into the matters of love again. So he said coldly: "Your worst nightmare." And then, he moved away, back to the irritating woman who was now drunk with only one drink. Kongpob sighed and took her back to her palace. Why did people drink if they could not hold their liquor? Seriously? But his mind was soon back on his sexy dancer. Well, he must find his name, even though he would not pursue him. Because it would be rude if he kept on calling him as his sexy dancer. Right?

He walked back to his room in the dorms of the Union and frowned as he saw another mission waiting for him. He whispered: "Please, be interesting this time." And he opened the marble. Oh, a killing this time. On top of that, it was Zeus who forwarded him this hit. Strange. But then, maybe he was too busy. His face hardened and he went back to wear his leather uniform and his assassin coat. He was now the cold blooded assassin that he had been trained to be. The job needed to be done. He got out of his fighter ship and walked to the apartment on the human planet. Yes, he was back again in the same night. Nice coincidence, was it not? He entered the apartment and walked into each of the rooms. When he reached the bedroom, he paused. He listened carefully. 

He then opened the door and walked in. And as soon as he entered the room, he heard a sleepy voice say: "Pha, is that you?" He froze. He knew that voice. What was Yo doing here? He immediately switched the light. Indeed, it was Yo who was rushing to hide his nudity on the bed. Yo's sleepy eyes widened as he realised who was standing in front of him. He said in surprise: "P'Kong, what are you doing here?" Kongpob frowned and reached for the marble again. He opened it again and double-checked the address. No, it was indeed this apartment. He looked at the transfer of the hit again and it was indeed Zeus who forwarded it to him!!

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