Chapter 57

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Yihwa stood there and watched the human prince announce the news to the world. Her mother would have loved to see him like this. And she saw Jake walk in. Ahh he finally joined her. She waved at him and the latter walked to her while watching Arthit. It was clear that her friend was really fascinated with the human prince. She was a bit worried since Arthit had said to her that he was engaged. She then shrugged it off. Jake was a big boy anyway. Together, they continued to watch the human prince. Jake said: "The queen wants all the information on the demon who mated with the human. And if Arthit is agreeable to it, she would like to have the information on the human too." Yihwa nodded. She knew Diana would want to know. And she kind of guessed that Arthit would not refuse to let them know. He would have to. In order to re-activate the agreement. 

Meanwhile, Beam exclaimed to Tew: "Stop him, Tew!!! He is plotting something! It is written very clearly on his face, can't you see??" Tew clenched his fists, reading Arthit's expression like an open book. He whispered: "He is challenging Pring, Beam. He is provoking her to come to Bright. To come and see her son." Beam face palmed. Bright looked at him and the desperate plea of help in his eyes was clearly shown. He was not expecting Arthit just to announce this to everyone. He had not been aware of this himself! He would never agree to it first of all! But with all the cameras on him, he could not just refuse Arthit. Then Arthit turned to him and smiled. He whispered to Bright: "Just bear with me for now. Please." Bright stared at him and finally nodded. Pha who was watching their interactions sighed and said to Yo: "Why is Arthit playing with fire so much these days?"

Yo closed his eyes and leaned onto his mate: "Search for my brother, please. We need him now. To stop the madness. We can't wait anymore. Use the Union, P'Pha. Do whatever it takes and find him. Arthit wants Pring to come to him. He wants to find P'Kong on his own. It's clear he is not willing to wait anymore." Pha rubbed his back reassuringly and said: "You know I am trying my best. We are searching earnestly for him." Yo clenched the lapel of Pha's in his fist and said: "He keeps on throwing up, he refuses to sleep, he glares at the food, he plots and throws himself in danger. Moreover, the amulet is not being of a great help anymore. His crying sessions are becoming more and more frequent. Human bodies are fragile. We'll lose him at this rate." He fell silent as the first part of what he said made a sudden impression to him. 

He raised his head and looked at his brother-in-law more closely. Then he shook his head. Of course not, human males could not reproduce. They were not enhanced like supernatural species. R-right? He then shook his head more firmly. Because Oak had done several check ups. If he was pregnant, Oak would know. The shapeshifters would know. Just like Kit had known for him. Kit had told he could hear Chiara's heartbeats if he wanted to. He was being silly. Arthit was not pregnant. They needed to do something to save him though. He looked at his mate and Pha nodded, kissing his forehead: "Yes love, I'll search even more." Finally Arthit finished his speech and he came down with Bright at his side. 

Kit instantly walked to him and asked him: "So what was that?" Arthit grinned: "A trap?" Kit glared at him and Arthit laughed: "It's fine. I want her to come." And he walked to Yihwa. He then saw Jake next to her. He smiled warmly at him as he said: "I am glad you could come too." Jake smiled shyly at him and Yihwa said: "He brought some new orders from the queen. Could we-" Arthit turned to Tew: "Could you please handle the party?" And he whispered in his ear: "Tell the guys to stay with Bright all the time. His mother might arrive soon. I'll talk with Yihwa and be right back." Tew looked at him, very concerned: "Will you be fine?" Arthit nodded, grinning: "They are my in-laws. Kong was wrong, Tew. They are nice people." And he walked away with Yihwa and Jake. They sat down in a closed and secure chamber. 

Then Jake spoke: "Our Queen is requesting for information on the couple that you said were mated to each other. The human and the demon. The demon's information is vital for us. At any cost. Otherwise, no agreement." Arthit stared at him while drumming his fingers on the table. Giving Kongpob's information to them. "Why?" Yihwa leaned back on her chair and said: "Because this would be our second couple and the first couple did not work. The human rejected the demon." Arthit gave out a dry chuckle: "I assure you, this time the human definitely did not reject the demon. It was rather the contrary. But they claimed each other. They are- they definitely are- yes they are definitely bonded to each other." Arthit's eyes were now filled with tears as his voice trembled as he said the last part. Yihwa stared at him, her eyes shining grey metallic: "Are you okay?"

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