Chapter 7

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Ohhhh a revealing chapter ಠ◡ಠ


Adrestia watched the human prince sleep. He was smiling in his sleep. Adrestia frowned. Why was he smiling in his sleep? He was even blushing now. Seriously? People blushed in their sleep now? Feeling his chest burn with a strange feeling, he turned his back to get back to his room. He did not care with whom the human prince was smiling to in his sleep or what was happening to him that he was blushing. He did not want to come here first of all. It was just that Kit and the others kept telling him that the human prince was searching for him all evening. So, he came to see why he was searching for him. He came to find him asleep. And smiling!!

He frowned again and went to open the door. He heard one word that made him stand still: "Adrestia..." The human prince was in fact moaning his name. Adrestia's mouth hung open in shock. No, he must have heard wrong. He came back to the human prince and watched him carefully. But when Arthit moaned his name a second time, Adrestia blushed. Now he was very intrigued to know about what was this human dreaming about. "Maybe I am torturing him", said Adrestia with a smirk. "Hopefully, he is going to be scared of me as from now." Unfortunately for Adrestia, this torture that he thought Arthit was having was not torture at for the human prince in his dream. This was what exactly what he wanted to do to his assassin in real life. 

They were again in the shadows. He was sitting on a table with his legs spread and Adrestia standing between his thighs. He was busy nibbling his assassin's neck and moaned as Adrestia was gripping his hair tight in his hand. Arthit knew that his assassin was not wearing his mask as he raised his hand to trace his face. Adrestia shivered when Arthit's fingers got to his lips. Arthit traced his lower lip with his finger and Adrestia opened his mouth with a sigh. He licked Arthit's finger and Arthit moaned again. 

Adrestia was squirming as he stood next to Arthit's bed and watched Arthit moan even more in his sleep. He licked his dry lips and clenched his fists. He needed to get out of here but why were his feet rooted here? He kept looking at the prince and his blushes. He sighed. He should really leave now. But Arthit made a sound that stopped him from moving again. He was no longer moaning in pleasure now. He was glaring and moaning painfully. He was even whispering: "No please, leave him be." Adrestia frowned and instinctively stroked his prince's forehead to calm him down. And instantly, Arthit breathed easily and opened his eyes. He searched the shadows and said: "I know you are here. Come here, please."

Adrestia sighed. As soon as he felt Arthit was going to wake up, he instantly backed away not to let him know if he was here looking at him sleep. Because that was creepy. But now Arthit was sitting on the bed, looking very disturbed. As he moved forward towards the prince, Arthit smiled tightly and raised his arms automatically to hug his assassin. He buried his face in Adrestia's chest. The latter froze in his embrace. "Thank you for taking away the nightmares.", whispered Arthit. Adrestia said: "Nightmares? I don't think so. You were moaning with pleasure when I came to your room." Arthit blushed and said: "Was I?" Adrestia frowned. "It's none of my business anyways. Let me go and go back to sleep."

Arthit whispered in Adrestia's chest: "But it is your business since I was dreaming about you." Adrestia gasped in shock but at least he was not running away. Yet. Arthit smiled against his chest and decided to show the assassin what they were exactly doing in his dream. He released his hold and went on his knees on the bed. He then enlaced the assassin's neck and buried his face in his neck. "You smell good.", he whispered. Adrestia tried to push him away but Arthit tightened his hold. "Wait, I am giving you a demonstration on about what we were doing in my dream." And Adrestia frowned but remained still. He did not want to admit it but he was intrigued to know what Arthit's dream was about. 

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