Chapter 4

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Author's Note {PLEASE READ}:


So happy to be back <3

I saw several comments and messages asking me when I would be back. I MISSED YOU TOO T-T

I will be re-publishing the chapters of this story.. there has been a slight change about Zeus only.. So for those who have already read those chapters won't have any problem to catch up the story :)

Unlike my first story, this one is going to be a lot longer and complicated... My apologies already..

Now for the next news!! During this month that I was not here, a lot of things the royal wedding among them.. And as I watched glimpses of it, a complete nonsense idea took birth in my mind......... A story..

I shall inform you more about it soon ^-^

On this note, Eid Mubarak to you all <3


He was walking along the beach. Alone. By himself. It was night. Midnight in fact as he glanced at his phone. His feet were touching the water as he walked. The water was cold. The sand was comforting to him. His ankles were burning as the seawater reached the fresh wounds there. But that burning too was comforting to him. He was feeling at peace with the water, the sand and the silence on the beach. This was his favorite place since he was little. The isolated beach at night.

And right now he badly needed that solace of his favorite place. Otherwise, he would be going mad. It had been two weeks since his kidnapping. Two weeks since he was back to the human planet. Two weeks since he had started to begin his daily routines as before. And two full weeks of both nightmares and wet dreams. Someone would think that wet dreams were good to have. Yes, it was. It definitely was. There was a teasing assassin in those wet dreams. But Arthit had come to dread those wet dreams because he knew that just after the wet dreams, there were those nightmares. Those scary nightmares. He was not little anymore but still was so wary to relive those moments of those nightmares. Then how did that boy survive all these? Yes, he was so sure that he was living someone's memories. It seemed too real. But who? Why was Arthit connected to him?

And this was the reason why he was standing here searching for peace. Sleep was no longer an option for him. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would dream. It was already middle of the night and he had to dance till he felt his wounds bleeding to calm himself, hence the wounds on his ankles. He had forced himself to be exhausted. He had thought that maybe he would be finally at peace, his mind empty of everything. He sat down on the beach and and listened to the sound of the waves moving. 

Back in Adrestia's headquarters...
"What are you doing?", asked Knott to Adrestia. "Running?", said Adrestia as he ran on the treadmill. Knott snorted and said: "I can see that. But you know very well what I am talking about. There is a two weeks of crankiness inside you. The members are seriously avoiding you now. Why are you behaving as such? What's the matter with you??" Most of the members were in fact hiding behind the door, listening to the conversation. Knott was their spokesman and they all wanted to know why Adrestia was behaving like this.

Adrestia sighed and started to remember how much of a hell those two weeks had been for him.  Nightmares were his daily companion as always but since he left that human prince to his planet, he was now having another type of dream. Wet dreams. Guess from who? That human prince!! Why?? Adrestia had no clue at all. He closed his eyes for an instant and immediately his face came to his mind. So, it was obvious that Adrestia would be cranky. It was a fact that he always slept so little but now he could not sleep at all!! Each time he closed his eyes, he saw Arthit come to him smirking. And when he woke up in the morning, the sheets bore the evidence how he was affected with those dreams. 

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