Chapter 91

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"YOU ARE ADRESTIA!!!!", shouted Diana and Noah in surprise to their son. Yihwa squealed and ran into her brother's arms. "I am a great fan, P!", she said excitedly. Arthit chuckled as he watched their reactions. Diana turned to him and asked: "For real?" The human prince nodded at her and said: "Your son kidnapped me as Adrestia for our first meeting." Kongpob blushed and Slate corrected: "Helped you to escape the kidnappers, you mean." "By kidnapping me yourselves.", retorted Arthit as he glanced at the baby monitor to check if his babies were still sleeping. Kongpob narrowed his eyes at his mate and said: "Pretty sure you were not fighting over my kidnapping." Slate chuckled: "He was too busy seducing your ass, that's why." Arthit chuckled and said to Diana: "He feared me a lot in the beginning."

Noah laughed at his son and said: "You are so like your mother." Diana instantly retorted: "Excuse me?!" The demon king shrugged: "You are the one who refused to be my mate at first. I was willing to be yours the moment I saw you." Diana rolled her eyes. Yihwa cleared her throat and said: "Can we get back to the Adrestia topic?" Noah and Diana instantly turned to Kongpob and Noah asked, his eyes widened in awe: "Did you kill more than a thousand people on Neutrium? Alone?" Slate rolled his eyes: "Who do they think I am for freaking sake? Just a ruthless demon who likes to kill?" Both Arthit and Kongpob replied in tandem: "Isn't it what you are?" Slate blushed in embarrassment and he muttered: "You guys are exaggerating." Kongpob glanced at his soulmate and they shared a knowing smile. Slate rolled his eyes and said: "Oh shut up."

Diana added: "They say that Adrestia loves to rip out all vital organs before actually killing the victims." Kongpob winced and shook his head. He had not even done that. Noah asked next: "What about that the one time when you burned a person alive in front of his family?" Slate came back and shouted: "ARE THEY FUCKING KIDDING ME NOW????" Kongpob winced harder and Noah sighed, speaking to his daughter: "Don't look that disappointed, darling. You would be considered as a psychopath." Yihwa muttered: "But he just broke my heart, father. How could he be Adrestia if he had not done these things?"

Both Slate and Kongpob stared at her in shock. Arthit burst out laughing as he said: "You guys just lost your number one fan." Slate shook his head at Shade who looked so disheartened at the sad news that her big brother was such a softie instead. Kongpob clapped his hands and claimed everyone's attention back: "I didn't want to tell you about it because it is supposed to be in the past." Noah nodded: "He kinda disappeared in thin air since a while." Slate smirked: "Yeah well the beast had finally met the beauty. And they are living happily ever after." Arthit snorted and Kongpob averted his eyes as he blushed.

He took a deep breath and said: "Anyhow dad that's why I don't need an army of demons to go to the dragon planet to get my friends. I'll be fine. I just am entrusting my soulmate and my babies to you." Diana froze and lowered her head. Noah sighed and came close to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and looked at his son: "We still feel like we have failed you when you were eight, son. Are you sure you want us to look after them?" Kongpob rolled his eyes and said: "It's all in the past, dad." Arthit walked to Diana and said softly: "And I will not go anywhere else, you know." The queen raised her face, tears rolling on her cheeks as she opened her arms for Arthit. Kongpob nodded at his father as they gathered together to speak the safety measures.

One hour later, Arthit was sitting on his bed, Ae in his arms. The little boy was quietly drinking from his feeding bottle, his eyes roaming around the room. Kongpob was walking leisurely around the room, speaking softly to his daughter who was in fact staring at him with her gold eyes. "Papa is going away for a while. Be nice to mamma, okay? Yes, I'll miss you all. But I am sure I'll come back real soon. Papa is going to bring so many souvenirs to you babies." Arthit blinked back his tears as he focused on feeding his little munchkin. However, Kongpob's next words made him lose it. "Your favourite uncle is making me go there. Hopefully, you will not be glowing like this when I get back, hmm Lyssa?" Ae's lips quivered and he started to sob too as if knowing that his mother was crying too. 

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