Chapter 36

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Kongpob sat on the bed, brushing his tired soulmate's hair tenderly. The human who tamed the hot demon was sated. Kongpob asked softly: "Bright told me you called for him telepathically?" Arthit, his eyes closed, nodded. "Why?", asked Kongpob. "Because I felt him. I felt him getting scared all of a sudden." Kongpob frowned. How could a human feel that? He was feeling ridiculous as a question formulated in his head and Slate said: "Go ahead, Kongpob. Ask him. I want to know too." Arthit whispered: "You want to ask if I am not human, Kong?" Kongpob said: "Yes. Humans do not talk telepathically to other species. You spoke to me. I get it. I mated with you. But then you called out to Bright because you felt his fear? This is not making sense to me." Arthit sighed: "I am very human though. I am just like I was before. No special powers." 

Kongpob remained silent. Was Arthit the first human who mated with another species? Or had there been other cases like this too? If there was, he needed to look for them to get answers. He was getting afraid all of a sudden. And he became even more afraid when Arthit sat up and held his face tenderly with his hands. "Baby.. I am not forcing you to tell me. But I want to know.. In fact, I want to know everything about you. Will you let me?" Kongpob closed his eyes and whispered: "I won't refuse you anymore Arthit. Whatever you wish is yours. Except for the things that will put you in danger. So, ask away." Slate smiled: "Our Kongpob is finally growing up." Arthit chuckled as he heard Slate say that. He then made a serious face and asked his first question: "When is your birthday?" Slate facepalmed: "I was waiting for something more serious, you know!!" Kongpob too had been expecting to make a confession or something. Not to tell about his birthday. 

He asked incredulously: "You want to ask about my birthday??" Arthit nodded. "You know mine, right? On the day we first met. It was my birthday party. You did not forget it. So, now my first question is about your birthday. Tell me, Kong. You and Slate's date of birth." Slate jumped, all excited: "Mine too?" Arthit smiled: "Well of course. I presume you have the same date of birth?" Slate nodded eagerly and said: "But I became conscious when Kongpob was five. We demons start to manifest ourselves as their protectors when the children become five." Kongpob said: "So, we have the same birthday but with five years' difference." Arthit nodded. Slate asked Kongpob: "Can I? Can I tell him?" Kongpob nodded and Slate blurted out their date of birth. The 14th of February. Arthit gaped at them. "On Valentine's Day??" Slate asked: "Who is Valentine?" Kongpob asked: "And why is he a day?"

Arthit stared at Kongpob and burst out laughing. They were so cute. He then proceeded to explain to them what was Valentine's Day. He then said: "Two celebrations on that day then." And he made a mental note to think about their birthday gifts. Because the day was very near. In only one week. He looked at Kongpob and said: "So, next question. You are officially the prince of the demon planet?" Slate remained silent. The air suddenly became tense. Arthit rubbed his soulmate's arm. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me, Kong. But the reason why I am asking this is because you said it yourself. When you claimed me." Kongpob sighed and hugged Arthit. He hated to remember where he came from. He whispered: "I was the prince of the demon planet. Now someone else is the princess of the demon planet." Arthit buried his face into Kongpob's neck as he said telepathically: "Why do you hate the demon planet so much?"

Kongpob clenched his fists angrily and said: "Because they betrayed me." Arthit raised his head and asked: "Who they?" Slate sighed as Kongpob said angrily: "The queen of the demon planet!!" Arthit's eyes widened in shock. His mother betrayed him? "Are you sure-", he started to say but Kongpob shook his head: "I am damn sure because she was the one who took me. She was the one who brought me there. She even waved her hands at me. She said that she would be back. But even after those scientists presumed me to be dead, she never came back. She replaced me. With Yihwa." Arthit had tears in his eyes and hugged his soulmate. He could feel both Kongpob's and Slate's pain. How could a parent be so cruel? How could a parent do that to her own child?

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