Chapter 59

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Kongpob was pacing the corridor in front of Arthit's bedroom door. He was biting his thumb anxiously and kept muttering to Slate: "Pancakes are his favorites. Pink milk too. He must have a proper breakfast for him to get better. If they are his favorites, then he will eat and drink, right? But what if he is too angry with me and refuses to eat the pancakes I cooked? Tew told me he throws up too often. Do you think he is throwing up right now? I should prepare something else for him just in case. But what?" He turned and walked towards the bedroom again. But he hesitated to open the door. Arthit's bitter words came to his mind again. "Go, go away!! I hate you now... I HATE YOU, YOU HEAR ME!! I HATE YOU!!!!" Slate sighed: "He did not mean it, Kongpob. It was obvious he was just angry at that time." Kongpob closed his eyes, took a deep breath but before he could open it, the door opened right there and Arthit appeared at the doorway. 

Both were startled and froze while staring at each other. Kongpob's eyes traveled down over Arthit's face, kind of satisfied to find only pale dark circles under his eyes. They were certainly less than yesterday. He opened his mouth to ask Arthit if he ate the breakfast but Arthit cut him off, saying very coldly: "Thank you for the breakfast but you should not have bothered. I was fine these two months that you were not here. I already broke the bond from my side. You can-" His voice hitched for a second but he took a deep breath: "You can go-" Once again he stopped talking because Kongpob just smiled gently and advanced closer to him. He swallowed hard as Kongpob's sweet scent hit his nostrils. He clenched his fists as he ached to touch him. Kongpob watched with admiration as his soulmate raised his chin haughtily and stood his ground as he moved even closer to him. And when Kongpob stood only one breath away from him, Arthit whispered softly: "Slatey." The demon reacted instantly and came forward. 

Arthit smiled as he saw the tribal marks appear on the arms of his soulmate. As the rest of the tribal marks on Kongpob's face formed, Arthit tried to blink his tears away but then he looked into Slate's eyes and saw him crying too. His silver eyes were shining with all those unshed tears. He could not hold it any longer and reached out to hug his demon. Slate whispered: "Arthit.." The latter hugged him harder: "I missed you, Slatey. So much." His demon then started his rant: "I- I missed you too..... I never wanted to break our bond, Arthit.. But the situation was such that I had to listen to Kongpob. We both thought we would die. That's why I listened to him and broke it. Please forgive me." Arthit stroked his marks and said: "It's fine. You are not to be blamed in this." He then asked him: "How have you been?" Slate smiled to him and eagerly told him what he had wanted to since he saw that lady in white. He told him how he met with Arthit's mother. 

Arthit was very surprised. Slate nodded and said: "She told me lots of cute stories about you. She is so nice. She is the one who helped us, Arthit. She called for the oracles. We were at their place to heal." Arthit looked very pensive. The oracles, huh? That was why no one could find them. But why was his mother so familiar with the oracles? He curiously asked: "Did she say anything else?" Slate shook his head but then remembered something else: "But just when she was going to disappear, there was a little girl with her. She was so cute, Arthit." Arthit frowned harder. What was his mother up to? And then he asked what happened next. Slate then explained to him how difficult it was for him to keep Kongpob alive and to heal him. Even with the help of the doctor, it took them some time and Slate watched Arthit's eyes go dark at that and he swallowed hard as Arthit asked him next: "Did you feel something was going to go wrong when we arrived to the human planet?"

Slate averted his eyes. Arthit pressed on: "Was it why Kongpob asked me to promise him that whatever happened outside, I would take care of myself and I would never place myself in danger? He knew right? You guys could sense that something bad was going to happen and still, he let me go and stayed behind.." Arthit's eyes became gold just a second and then he blinked, causing Slate to be momentarily confused by their sudden appearance. "Tell me one more thing. When you finally gained consciousness, he- he did not remember me?" Slate pushed apart his confusion for now and asked him incredulously: "How did you know??" Arthit paled instantly: "How- how did he remember me then?" He knew that Kongpob remembered him when he came last night because he whispered his name. Slate smiled: "Your mother. She intervened and saved Kongpob's memories in this bracelet." He touched it and Arthit was relieved that his mother could help his soulmate. 

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