Some more years later..

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"He slayed the dragon and saved the princess. And they lived happily ever after.", narrated Alyssa with an internal roll of eyes. She glanced at the children sitting in front of her who appeared to be so amazed with the story. Sighing, she closed the book and whispered: "Do you want a more wonderful story?" "One where the dragon and the princess are one. Where the princess does not require any saving from the prince?", asked her twin brother as he placed his hands on her shoulders. She grinned and nodded. "Exactly." Ae chuckled softly and smiled at the children. "I'll bet it's the best story ever.", added Type, sitting down with the children in front of Alyssa to listen to the story.

Feeling a little hand rest on his arm, he turned and smiled at the little boy. He looked so frail and traumatised. He patted the little hand and wished at the time that he could use his power as healer to heal the little angel in front of him. He wished he could heal emotional pain for it would help a lot of people. Sadly, he did not even have the usual power as a healer. Even less the one he wanted the most. He bent down and whispered to the boy: "Can I cuddle close to you while we listen to the story?" The little boy did not waste any time to nod. Type reached out tenderly to pick the little child and to place him on his lap.

"I am jealous. Only Ae and you have this touch.", muttered Alyssa in his mind, causing Type to wrap his arms around the boy. Whenever their parents came to the organisation, they would come along and the two boys would work their magic on the children. Children that used to be afraid of other people, who had been scarred and needed rescuing. To Alyssa's dismay, they took time to get used to her. But she did not mind that much because she could understand why they were intimidated by her. She just loved to tease her brothers about it though. Starting her story, she used magic to make it more interesting. The children were amazed.

Glancing up, she smiled at the newcomers; two mates holding hands. They came to stand near the crowd and they both grinned at her. Chiara and Eli were always together. They were also Alyssa's new masters. She knew they were here to pick them up. Since she was eight, she had been trained at home for seven years. Likewise for the two boys; Ae and Type. Reaching their fifteen years, they were now going to the Union Academy for more intense training. Alyssa's mind went to her mother. If Arthit could, he would go with them which was why Kongpob was distracting him with some kind of space travel.

It was not like Arthit could not meet his children. The parents of the students could visit their children whenever they wanted. Under Tew's direction, the Union had changed and was now simple an academy for any children who wanted to be trained to develop their powers. Among the masters who would train them were Eli, Chiara, Tew, Slate/Kongpob, Pha and Oak. The rest were assassins that were trained at the Union themselves. One from the vampire species, one from the elf species, one from the wolf species, one from the cat species and the last one from the dragon species. The dragon was not an assassin. He came from the dragon planet on the request of Knock, their new king. 

Finishing her story, Alyssa stood up and walked towards Eli and Chiara. She gave them a hug and Eli asked her: "You guys ready?" By then, Ae and Type had joined them and they all nodded. The ship that came for them were loaded with students already. Alyssa could recognise Livia, Phitchit and Pete. She frowned instantly. Ae grabbed her hand: "Don't you dare. Leave him alone, Al." She sighed and glared at the boy one last time before she looked away. Ae loosened his hold on his twin's hand as he timidly gave Pete a nod. Livia and Phitchit did not have the grace to nod. They just threw themselves on Ae to make a group hug. Type laughed and joined the hug while dragging Alyssa with them.

Ae was red as a tomato when they finally let him go. And it was the loveliest scene Pete had ever seen. During those fifteen years of his existence, Ae was not that close to Pete like he was with Livia and Phitchit. The reason? Alyssa and Ae's extreme shyness in front of Pete. The more shy Ae became, the more aggressive Alyssa was. Hence, Pete was like a near stranger with Ae unlike his siblings. Ae hoped to overcome his shyness during his stay at the Union. To remove the awkwardness between them. And in order to do that, he needed to get away from his overprotective sister. This kind of opportunity would surely be available at the academy.

While trying to ignore Pete, Alyssa looked around the ship and recognised someone else from the crowd. "Jason!", exclaimed Type who saw him at the same time. The latter smiled and walked towards them. Alyssa's heart started to beat faster but she ignored it just like she had been doing ever since she met Jason. She needed to examine the factors to that strange occurrence and those strange dreams. Maybe Uncle Tew would help her about it. She nodded towards Jason in greeting and the dragon nodded back with a soft smile. She felt her dragon tattoo flutter under her skin and she rubbed her arm absently.

When they reached the Union, Tew was waiting for them at the entrance with a smile. That smile truly showed how they were truly going to learn at the academy for five years. Many of them were excited. For each his own reasons. Alyssa was excited because she was finally going to explore her oracle powers. Her dreams. Ae would be given training on basically everything since he was human. He needed more training than anyone else. Type would have to explore his healer side. To try and activate those powers of his. Because he wanted to help people. He wanted to be like his father. 

Pete glanced around and sighed. Livia nudged his shoulder and whispered in his mind: "It will be fun, I promise." Pete turned to smile at her and then turned to look at Ae's back. He could feel that he would get some answers if he would explore this side. But then he frowned because he knew Alyssa was glaring at him again. Not so soon, it appeared. Jason stood straight and gave out a look of determination. "Dad said that Slate was going to train us.", he whispered to the demon inside him and the latter nodded. "It will be an honour. But Jace, are you going to tell her more about those dreams where you speak to her?" Jason glanced at the girl in front of him. He would tell her. One of these days, for sure.

Tew stared at his new students and whispered under his breath: "I swear this batch is going to be something else." A chuckle sounded near him and he sighed. "And it's not even funny.", he groaned. 


Note: The snippet that I wrote earlier about the second book (the one I removed) has been changed.
For those who read it, you just need to focus on the new book instead.
For those who have not read it, it's okay. You did not miss much.

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