Chapter 68

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Arthit frowned at his soulmate: "Tell me what you did to Bright, Kong." He frowned harder as he heard Slate giggle mischievously. Kongpob blinked his eyes innocently as he said: "I did nothing to him. Shut up, Slate." But that made Slate laugh harder. Arthit now leaned back, crossed his arms and stared coldly at them. Slate squirmed instantly under his stare. But Kongpob just smiled at his soulmate. Arthit's eyes became gold and Kongpob now stared into them. He whispered: "They are more beautiful than ours." Slate nodded and he said: "True but could you just tell him? The power he is emitting again is not that subtle. All demons nearby can feel it." Arthit growled as he said: "Tell me, Kong!!" Slate sighed heavily as he realised how Kongpob was having fun with the new power. The latter was seriously shivering deliciously and he leaned close his soulmate as he whispered: "You look so hot."

Arthit blinked his eyes, surprised. The gold eyes were now gone and Slate sighed in relief. Kongpob kissed his human's forehead and he said: "We just played a little with your brother." "Played??", asked Arthit, frowning again. Slate giggled again as he remembered how they played with that poor metamorph. Kongpob grinned at Arthit and said: "Yes, played with him. And trust me, it was fun." Arthit gave out a breath of frustration as he exclaimed: "Would you tell me already??" Kongpob burst out laughing along with Slate. And Kongpob spread his hand out. A small red and black spider came out of his hand. Arthit frowned as he touched the little  arachnid without fear: "How did you do that?" And the spider disappeared as soon as he touched it. Arthit laughed: "It's not real." 

Kongpob made another as he said: "It's Elijah who taught me how to do that." He sat comfortably as he started to narrate the story to his soulmate. Arthit climbed on his lap, his favorite place. And listened.

Chiara ran to his uncle and shouted: "Uncle Kong!!!" Kongpob's eyes widened as he saw several spiders hanging in the air around her head as she ran towards him. Pha instantly stood up and pointed at her daughter with a trembling finger. Chiara laughed and said: "Daddy!!! You are here too!!" She swirled around and made the spiders dance in the air. She said: "See what we did?" Pha gulped and tried to stay behind Kongpob subtly while he asked: "How did you do that? Are they real?" His daughter was rambling away on how she got them but Pha could not focus at all on her explanations as he watched those arachnids move their legs. And then he suddenly felt something on his back. He whispered, sweating profusely: "Shit, Kongpob! I think there is one on my back!!" He was not going to lose his dignity in front of his daughter. He was a grown up man. He could handle a little spider. 

But Chiara laughed as she said: "Nah it's just mommy. Hi mommy!! Did you see?" Yo was indeed behind his mate and his hand was the mischievous 'spider' Pha had been feeling on his back. He turned to glare at Yo who chuckled. Kongpob was laughing too and he knelt down in front of Chiara, asking softly: "Can I touch?" The little girl stopped moving and the spiders too just hung in the air. Kongpob reached out and touched one. Instantly, "poof!" the spider disappeared. Chiara clapped her hands eagerly and she said: "Isn't that cool!!!" Slate nodded, very fascinated: "She is so right!! Who made them??" And Kongpob asked the question to little Chiara who said proudly, her chin up: "Elijah did them!!"

She pointed to the sofa where the little metamorph was sitting with Prem and was waving his hands to make the spells. Prem was nodding time to time and was frequently giving him advice. Kongpob walked to them and Elijah beamed at him: "Did you see!!" Pha muttered behind his mate: "One is making the spiders. The other is making them fly. This is a very weird couple." Yo turned to give him a reprimanding glare: "Should I tell Chiara how her superhero father is afraid of spiders?" Pha instantly frowned at him. Yo said: "Then let my daughter be unique." Pha nodded, fear in his eyes as he embraced his mate from behind: "Did you see how she could hold the spiders for so long in the air?" Yo whispered a yes and Pha said: "I'll train her more. I'll make her become the best." Chiara then raised her hands, the spiders getting electric shocks and they disappeared in a stream of blue smoke. 

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