Chapter 6

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"RIDICULOUS!!", shouted Zeus. "How could you let a human get away again so easily?? He is ONLY human!!" He walked away in anger. He came to stand near his second in command and said: "I can't rely on those idiots. I will have to do this mission myself." He growled in anger and ordered his second in command: "Find where he is now. I'll just go and kill him myself." And his second in command nodded before moving away. Zeus was fuming. They were ordering him to get that hit done. So, he had to do it. The human prince must die. He needed to do this so as he could finally see him. And be free from them so that he could be with him. But he needed to find Adrestia in order to see him again. Because only Adrestia knew if he was still alive or not.

His enemy was sitting in the hall for the meeting for Beam.He was unmasked as Arthit was not in the room. Arthit was busy practicing his dance moves in the company of Kit, his greatest fan here.  The meeting was for Beam's problem, however Adrestia was getting roasted by his members. 

Tew: "They slept together"

Beam: "Holding hands, huh?"

Knott: "Our Adrestia, a romantic?"

Ming: "Boss got the most peaceful sleep ever."

Toota: "I wanted to take pictures."

Prem: "Our human prince is the kinky type. Sleeping with someone with a mask."

Bright: "I can give him some chains too. Restraining Adrestia would be so cool. Totally dominated by the human prince. A sight to behold. Ohh I am having goosebumps already."

At this, there was a total silence in the hall. Everyone turned to look at Bright. Knott said: "Dude, you have some serious issues." Bright shrugged: "You people do not know art." "If you people are finished with all those lame jokes, can we proceed with the meeting?", said Adrestia in a calm voice. Beam burst out laughing and said: "And here people is how our Adrestia is after a night with Arthit, polite as fuck. You need to sleep with him some more, Adrestia. More peace for us." Adrestia sighed. There was no end to it. He sat comfortably on his chair and let his gaze rest on the door of the hall.

However, Beam was not finished. He finally made a serious face and Knott nodded at him. He stood up and said to Adrestia: "So, can we know why you went to save the prince on your own and came back nearly dying?" Adrestia ignored this question and remained silent. His gaze was still on the door of the hall. Beam said: "Kon-" Adrestia turned to glare at him. Beam smiled innocently at him. Adrestia stoop up and exclaimed in an angry voice: "I thought I said I don't want to be called by this name ever again. The reason why I went to rescue the human prince was because Zeus wanted to kill him." He then told them how he heard two men of Zeus talking in the bar he was that night.

The members were however no fools. Knott asked: "Then why did you go there alone?" Adrestia again remained silent. Knott sighed: "Look, we are a team right? I totally understand that you could not stay here when you know that an innocent is going to get killed. I totally get it, Adrestia. But as from this moment, don't act reckless like this again. Come to us if there is any problem. We are here to help." Adrestia nodded. Knott continued: "Then what are we going to do about Beam's problem?" Adrestia said in a cold voice: "Kill that vampire." Beam rolled his eyes. 

Tew said in his oracle voice: "We don't necessarily have to kill him." Knott nodded. His oracle was right and he said: "We can set up a trap for him. Beam can go to meet him at that bar and we would kidnap him. We would force him to give away Beam's life source and then set him free." Adrestia said: "Too many loopholes." Beam nodded: "Adrestia is right. He would know that I am involved with Adrestia. And this can be dangerous for us." Tew said: "Adrestia is not coming with us for this mission." Adrestia turned to glare at him and said: "Why not?" "Because Arthit is here. He is your responsibility. You were the one who went to save him from Zeus. You are his babysitter, not us."

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