Chapter 12

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Sexy scenes of our elf prince and his vampire. Proceed with caution.

Thank you.


"Sit down", ordered Beam to his brother and Forth. Aim was standing safely behind him. P'Wai was bending over and looking over to see who was with Beam. And Beam glared at him. He wisely sat down but still threw stealthy glances towards Beam's friend. Forth was sitting down already and was waiting to see what Beam wanted to say. "Following our conversation of yesterday, a plan has been set up." And he calmly explained the plan without looking at Forth at all. When he finished, his brother asked him: "Do you really want to do this?" 

Beam's mind replayed the scene of yesterday where Adrestia was grabbed by the human prince and how his demon had accepted him. Beam was determined that he could do this for his friend. After what Adrestia had done for him, to help him for this plan was surely nothing. And he nodded at his brother. P'Wai got up and said: "I am going to leave for you to be able to communicate about this for this will be your decisions." And he walked away. Aim glanced at Beam who nodded and he followed the king of elves. Beam finally raised his gaze to look at Forth who till now had been silent and staring at him. Beam knew since he could feel that stare all the time.

He asked tentatively: "You are okay with the plan?" Forth stood up and came to kneel in front of him. He grabbed Beam's hands, both of them ignoring the sparks when they touched and he spoke: "I.. You.. You finally spoke to me since yesterday.." He rested his head on their twined hands and took a deep breath. He then said: "I am so sorry Beam, truly sorry.. If it was not for my birthday party, your parents would not have come to the vampire planet.. And then they would not have been killed by my uncle.." He raised his head and said: "Moreover, I tried to seduce you to get your life source so that I could blackmail you in order to know if it was the elves who killed my parents.." He gripped Beam's hands harder and said sincerely: "Truly truly sorry.." Beam smiled tightly and said: "It's totally okay.. And you were still a child when my parents came to your place, you had no control of those events.. No need to feel regretful for something you are not responsible.."

Forth tried to return Beam's smile but it came out as a grimace. He said: "If mating temporarily with me helps you to gain information and access to that council that yesterday you guys were talking about, then it's all good for me." With Forth's acceptance to help with the plan was reassuring. Partly of this mating was to con the vampire leader and make him destabilized. He would be afraid that Beam and Forth would hunt for the true reason of their parents' deaths. And then Atropos would die. A simple death that would be the pathway for Forth to reach out for the council to replace his uncle there. And Beam being his mate, would have access to the council too. And then, Adrestia would finally get all his information he needed about the council.

"How are we going to proceed?", said Forth as he got up and went to walk around the room. Beam watched him and said: "We get mated." Forth sighed and asked: "How do elves mate?" Beam said bluntly: "We exchange vows while exchanging life sources and consummate the mating by having sex. I assume vampires do the same?" Forth avoided his gaze and said: "Vampires drink the blood of their mates during sex.." And then he stopped talking. Beam waited though. He knew Forth was not finished. But then Forth shook his head and said: "That's all." Forth for some reason was not ready to tell Beam that for vampires, there was a legend. If while mating, a tattoo appeared on their mates' shoulders, they were among the blessed couples that had been mated for several lives already. His parents were like this, according to what he had been told.

Beam sighed and said: "Let's get it done already then." He wished they could have faked that mating. But no, each and everyone could feel when you were mated or not. Except humans. Humans got married and also cheated. But for them supernatural beings, cheating was very difficult to do. Because the mates' instinctively knew about it. Mating was a sacred thing. Reason why when Beam claimed Forth as his mate, no one could oppose it. This was a very strong bond. And most mates usually bonded for life. If one died, this other died too. There were exceptions. Like the temporary mating that these two were going to do. Whether it was temporary or permanent was thankfully a private thing, otherwise they would be screwed.

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