Chapter Three

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Thea breathed in, trying to catch her breath. The night had been nothing but chaos filled with running and hiding away from the dark hooded figures that were the stuff of nightmares.

At some point, Thea and Cedric had lost everyone but hadn't let go of each other's hands once. They had met back up with Fred, George and Ginny who informed the others that Percy had gone to try and find the others.

"I just hope that the others are okay!" Ginny exclaimed her voice still trembling. The night had been a traumatic one for everyone.

"I'm sure they will be alright, Ginny." Thea quickly consoled.

"How are you so sure?"

"They've done worse things before and they've survived those times. Besides they have Hermione with them. She can do anything."

"I suppose."

"Hey, Ginny," Thea started, trying to change the conversation topic. 


"What was that thing you were going to show me earlier?"

"Oh! I was going to show you this new book mum got me, second hand. I think you would really enjoy it."

"I would definitely love to read it!" Thea returned. 

The group suddenly heard footsteps rustling through the leaves and turned to see Arthur and the other ministry members accompanying him, approaching the group.

"Come back to the tent, everything is now safe," Arthur informed the group and walked with them back to the tent. Once the group was completely safe, Arthur wandered off to go find the others.

Thea sighed in fear, everyone had seen what illuminated the sky. Something wasn't okay. No words needed to be said. The group sat silently the night's events still haunting them. Thea leaned her head on Cedric's shoulder, she was exhausted.

After a while, Arthur finally returned with a tired, confused Harry, Ron and Hermione. Something had clearly happened but everyone was too tired to ask.

Thea was ready to sleep for a hundred years but her father was still missing, she just hoped he hadn't been seriously hurt. She quickly asked Arthur about the whereabouts of Amos.

"It's alright, Thea. He is fine. You and Cedric will spend the night with us and we will take you home tomorrow."

Thea was glad that her father was alright but she still wanted to know where he was.

"I'm glad that he's okay but where is he?" Thea asked trying not to shout.

"Thea, calm down," Cedric told her, bringing her into a hug.

"He's just doing something, Thea. You'll see him tomorrow, get some sleep" He said.  "Both of you," Arthur added looking directly at Cedric. 

Thea yawned, closed her eyes starting to think about what would her mother say. Anne would never let her or Cedric out of the house again, that was for sure. It would be a miracle if she even let them attend Hogwarts this year. Death Eaters at the Quidditch World Cup, the Dark Mark illuminating the sky, Amos off doing some mysterious task. Everything was so chaotic. Thea just hoped the people she knew and the others that she didn't hadn't gotten hurt. 

Thea breathed in the familiar scent of the Burrow. The Diggory had often come over to the Burrow for dinners and lunches. For friendly banter and conversation and one of Molly Weasley's legendary stews. Thea always thought the Burrow was warm, comfortable and inviting. The place you would go to if you have problems to get off your chest and Thea had plenty of problems currently.

She was extremely glad when Mrs Weasley came over to Cedric and Thea giving them a huge hug each checking for any injuries exactly the same as her own children.

"Thea, it's good to see you. It's been awhile. Are you alright? You look quite tired."

"I'm alright, thanks, Mrs Weasley. I just want to make sure my parents are both okay and get some quality sleep."

"Okay dear. You are welcome to use one of the guest bedrooms if you need to."

"Thank you."

Mrs Weasley then moved on to check on her other children and Thea found herself alone again. She was still trying to get her thoughts in line. So much had happened in a short time and Thea was still running behind trying to catch up. She wanted to know where her parents were and what they were doing. She wanted to go back home. She wanted to curl up under her hand-knitted quilt and sleep for an eternity. Or at least until she had to go back to Hogwarts. A smile was brought to her face as she thought about the majestic castle. It's gardens, courtyards, kitchens, food and Quidditch pitch. The place that she didn't have to deal with her Mum constantly comparing her to Cedric. The one place that she could be herself.

"Thea! Cedric!"

Thea was quickly snapped out of her little daydream and back to the harsh realities of the real world just in time to see Anne running through the door, panic was written all over her face, her husband close behind with a similar expression. Thea knew that Arthur had written to them emphasising the fact that Thea and Cedric were both okay but Anne and Amos would need to see their children to make sure.

Anne ran to where Cedric was sitting on the couch reading one of the old Quidditch magazines, the Weasleys had lying around and Amos ran over to Thea.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Dad."

"I'm so sorry for leaving you two. I meant to come back but I had something that I needed to do first."

Thea bit her tongue both figuratively and physically, grimacing ever so slightly at the pain. Now wasn't the right time to ask about what the something that Amos had to do was. Amos quickly noticed the slight grimace and asked her what was wrong again.

Thea shook her head up and down to signify that she was actually fine. She was tired and the lack of sleep was starting to get to her but her parents worrying wasn't over. Amos left and Thea quickly found Anne in his place. After being asked the exact same questions, Thea was officially ready to curl up and sleep. Anne noticed and informed Molly that she was going to take her children home. Amos had left with Arthur to the ministry. Rita Skeeter had apparently written an outrageous report in the Daily Report about last night's attack and how badly the Ministry managed it and Amos and Arthur were going to work it out but Thea could barely concentrate. She didn't even remember the walk home or even nearly tripping over the flower pot by the front door.

However, several minutes later the youngest Diggory's were tucked up in bed, fast asleep and peaceful at last.

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