Chapter Sixteen

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Max was over the moon. She was overjoyed that her dream had come true. Thea was really happy as well, she knew Max had wanted this to happen for several years and the fact that it had happened when she least expected it was amazing. Alexander certainly seemed pleased as well. The fact that he had liked Max for almost as long as she had liked him was news to Thea but she didn't mind. 

Thea and Max's original plans to go together as friends were out the window but Thea was going with James as friends so she wasn't going alone. But despite not going together, the girls had still made plans to go shopping for dresses together and help each other get ready when the day actually arrived. 

They had thought that looking for dresses might be fun but the only dress store in Hogsmeade was filled to the brim with girls oohing and aahing over the latest design that would also make them considering poorer. 

Max was also becoming increasingly difficult for Thea to manage. She wanted everything to be perfect and Thea swears that she changed her mind about her dress every second.

Thea had already found her dress. It was a gold with glitter that fell to her ankle. She had paired it with small black heels and small, gold, matching jewellery pieces. Max had fallen in love with it on Thea and even Thea had to admit it looked good on her. So she had bought it now it was Max's turn.

"I don't know. I like all of them."

"I know but you can't wear all of them."

"I know Thea!" Max said rolling her eyes.

"What about this one?" Thea said pulling out a beautiful crimson red dress that fell to the floor with a v-neck and a few ruffles. It suited Max's personality perfectly. 

Everyone often joked that Max should have been a Gryffindor. She was so brave and headstrong. She seemed suited to be a Gryffindor but not many people got to see the other side of Max. That was her kind, passionate, patient side. When that side came out it was obvious that she was a Hufflepuff not a Gryffindor or Slytherin or Ravenclaw. 

"I love it. Can I try it on?"

"I don't why you are asking me. Go try it on!"

Max exited the change room after trying on the dress greeting by a dozen gasps. The other girls who were also trying on dresses watched as Max stepped out of the change room. The dress suited her perfectly.

"You have to get it!" Thea said to Max who was looking at herself in the mirror admiring the hem of the dress.

"I think I will."


Marquis had finally plucked the courage to ask someone out to the Yule Ball. He had asked a Ravenclaw, Jax Goodall, to the Yule Ball after hearing people say he was gay. Marquis asked in private so if he was shut down there wasn't an audience to witness it. Jax said yes! Marquis was overjoyed! Jax hadn't really told his friends and peers about his sexuality and had agreed with Marquis to do it at the Yule Ball. 

The whole school was looking forward to the Yule Ball but Sadie wasn't. She was feeling slightly left out. Two of her closest friends, Max and Thea both had dates to the Yule Ball despite not actually caring about who would they take. It seemed like a curse, Sadie had been the only one really excited and now she was going alone.  If she was to really think about it she was at the point she would be happy if anyone asked. Sadie considered herself very lucky that someone did ask her. 

The group was hanging out in the corridor discussing everything at school. Life was quickly getting increasingly busy and the group didn't get enough time just to discuss random things as they would like. 

Fred and George were slightly down the corridor as well trying to encourage Lee to pluck up the courage to ask someone to the Yule Ball. 

"I don't see why I need to ask someone when Fred didn't even ask the girl he actually likes."

"I'm going with Angelina."

"I know. But you don't like her, you like her." Lee said pointing over to where Max was down the corridor.

"I do not."

"You do."

"Fine. But do you know why I didn't ask her?"


"It's because she's already going with someone who she actually likes."

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's fine," Fred said smiling sadly. "But you can still ask someone."

"I know. I think I'm going to ask Sadie."

Lee walked off to where Sadie was sitting with her friends. Fred and George watched as he got Sadie's attention, asked her the question and his confident smile began to fade as Sadie answered his question. Lee walked over shocked.

"Jax Goodall? You are going with Jax Goodall?" Sadie asked. 

"I am," Marquis replied. 

"Congrats Marquis!" 


"You're welcome. Now is that everyone in the group except me?" Sadie said sadly. 

"Yeah. I think so. Sorry, Sadie."

"It's okay."


The group all looked up to see Lee Jordan smiling broadly.


"Would you like to come to the Yule Ball with me?"

"Seriously?" Sadie asked incredulously as Lee's confident smile faded.


"Um...okay then. I'll go with you to the Yule Ball."

"You will?"

"I will."

"I guess I'll see you there then."

"I guess," Lee replied turning around and leaving completely shocked.

"Did you see his face?" Alexander asked jokingly. "He couldn't believe you." 

"But Sadie you are now going with someone. Happy?" Marquis asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"What's wrong, Sadie?" Cedric asked concerned. 


"You sure?"


"Ok then."

The conversation eventually drifted away from the Yule Ball and the Tri-Wizard Tournament to their plans for the upcoming summer holidays. It was far away but regardless they were all looking forward to it.

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