Chapter Twelve

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All this drama with the Tri-Wizard tournament was driving Thea crazy. Ever since Harry's name had flown out of the Goblet of Fire that was the only thing anyone could talk about. How he was too young. How an older student must have put his name in the Goblet. How on earth he was still able to compete despite being underage. And how Harry Potter seemed to get away with anything.

Most of the Hogwarts students were furious at Harry because of these reasons and Thea just did not understand any of it. Hermione had said it herself the day before the selection when Fred and George tried to enter their names. There was just no simple way to do it. Dumbledore's magic was way advanced and a mere boy of fourteen wouldn't be able to outsmart him. It was true that the trouble had befallen the school every year since Harry had been in attendance, it was true that he was the boy who lived but what did that really mean? It was just a title.

Ron and most of Harry's other friends had turned their backs on him in disgust after finding about his place in the Tri-Wizard tournament. Thea found this slightly heart breaking. Hermione still seemed to be defending Harry, the one person who also knew how impossible it would be. Harry's sad face trailed through the halls, conversations falling quiet as he walked by clearly showing him that they were gossiping about him.

"Do you seriously believe him, Thea?" Sadie started. She was on her latest rant and this time it just happened to be about Harry. "Do you seriously believe that he didn't put his name in the Goblet?"

"Of course, I do, Sadie. Hermione, Max and I all know how impossible it would be for Harry to defeat Dumbledore's magic or get another student to put his name in. Harry isn't like that. It is about time you start to believe that as well.

"You can't tell me what to do."

"True but I can help to change your views. Harry doesn't deserve any of this. He is an innocent boy who isn't capable of outsmarting that kind of magic."

"Innocent enough to defeat You Know Who?"

"Sadie, I'm tired of this argument. I don't even know why it's such a big deal. Technically Hogwarts has a better chance of winning now, Harry is doing us a favour. Don't forget he's a lot younger than the other competitors instead of hating him we should be helping him or offering support.

"Hogwarts was going to win regardless. Cedric- "

"Yes. Cedric is my brother and I would risk my life for him, he's also kind, a leader and smart but that doesn't automatically mean that he is going to win. What about the others? Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour? The Goblet of Fire clearly choose those two names for a reason, they could easily be great at all the tasks. We don't know. So maybe instead of turning against one other we could support everyone."

"Thea, you think you know everything don't you?"

"Sadie, just give it up."

Thea sped up away from Sadie, sick and tired of the girl's rants and one-way thinking for one day. While she was walking quickly and caught up in her own thoughts, Thea didn't see where she was going and crashed into someone, sending both of them and their books and stationary to the floor.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was going." Thea started apologizing profusely.

"It's alright. I wasn't looking where I was going either." A tall boy wearing Beauxbatons robes stood before her. The two of them quickly collected all the stationary and books before continuing the conversation.

"Hi, I'm James Duerre."

"Thea Diggory. It's nice to meet you."

"Are you the sister of the champion- "

"Cedric Diggory." They said in unison.


"You must be so proud of him."

"I suppose. I lived my entire life in his shadow, this is nothing new."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for bringing it up."

"Don't worry about it."

James and Thea walked down the hall together, happily discussing their lives, their families and their friends. James had certainly cheered Thea up after her encounter with Sadie and it had also appeared like the boy was also having a bad day but there were no remnants of sadness left on his face.

"Well, I better get to class. I guess I'll see you around, Thea."

"See you, James. It was great getting to know you."

Thea walked into the charms lesson with a smile as wide as a mile.  Max walked in shortly after, elbowing Thea in the ribs and beginning to interrogate her on who the person was.

"SOOO. Who was that?"


"Really? Because it looked like someone."

"He really wasn't anyone."

"You walked almost the entire length of the hallway together after you fell into each other?"

"That was an accident." Max gave Thea a knowing look. "Fine, he was someone. His name is James but hang on were you spying on me?"


"You lie Maxine Lindsay. I can see straight through your lie."

Thea wished she could do something to help Harry. However, whatever she tried to change her fellow Hufflepuff's minds did nothing. They were being incredibly stubborn. But even Thea knew they had their reasons. Hufflepuffs often didn't get the limelight, among the other houses some people had even called the Hufflepuffs fat and lazy. However finally their superstar, Cedric Diggory had a chance of winning glory for their house, but Harry Potter from Gryffindor was ruining their one shot. Thea didn't agree with how Hufflepuffs were treated but she still did wish Harry was treated better. She just hoped it wouldn't get any worse.

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