Chapter Ninety-Seven

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George Weasley was sitting at the kitchen table at his aunt's place. He had hated being cooped up in the place during the last few weeks, he and Fred had been forced to leave the shop and even though everyone assured them that they would be back there in no time, he couldn't help missing the place dreadfully, it was the place where his and Fred's dreams had actually come true and it brought them both a lot of joy. 

The last weeks hadn't been very easy other than having to deal with his annoying Aunt Muriel but as he was staying in her house, he was forced to be grateful but that didn't mean he wasn't actively trying to avoid her. But Thea had been captured off guard by a death eater and tortured to within an inch of her life. She hadn't woken up from her torture for several days which had caused to George to worry greatly, she had eventually turned out okay but it didn't mean that George hadn't made a new friend throughout the whole ordeal. Elliot and George had put aside their differences, united by their worry for Thea Diggory. 

George often wondered how Thea was. The news of the birth of Teddy Lupin had indeed reached the Weasley family and they were all delighted to hear of the news, but Thea had also been named godmother a fact that George knew she would be ridiculously happy and excited about. George knew exactly what she would have done when she found out after having witnessed it happen quite a few times. Thea's legs would start shaking before it seemed to travel up her body and it never too long before she was jumping up and down on the spot ecstatic. She had often gotten like that. 

George decided to step outside briefly, enjoying the smell of the summery air as it ruffled through his hair. May had already started and he could feel something brewing on the horizon. The war wouldn't last forever and George couldn't wait until it was all over and things could finally get back to normal. And who knows maybe he and Thea could become friends again?

Fred watched as his twin brother stepped out of their Aunt Muriel's house, deep in thought. During the last few days, most of them kept to themselves often deep in thought about the war and how Harry, Hermione, and Ron were going with their mission. They all hoped that they would succeed but with the little news the Order of the Phoenix had received from them it seemed unlikely. 

Fred stepped out of the house after his brother starling him as he came to his side.

"What are you thinking about, Georgie?" Fred said, watching amused as George jumped slightly at the sudden sight of him. 

"What?" George asked.

"I asked, what you were thinking about?"

"Oh, just the war in general, how Ron and the others are going and well...Thea."

"Ok, then. The usual, I can deal with that. So spill.."


"Come on, George. We are twins and have been our entire lives, nothing is ever going to stop that. We've always been able to tell each other anything but in the last few years particularly when the topic is about Thea, you shut down. For several months after you guys broke up, we didn't talk for ages about it, that scared me, please don't make me go through that again."

"Well, I'm just thinking about how when all of this is over, I want us to go back to the shop and re-open and for everything to go back to normal. And um...I guess it would be nice if Thea and I could be friends again?"

"Or something more?"

"I didn't say that," George said quickly.

"You didn't need to. I know you pretty well and I'm pretty sure she feels the same way. But don't worry George, at the end of all of this you will get your happy ending with Thea, I promise, in fact, we all will." Fred said before turning around and leaving George behind with his thoughts. 

However, George didn't have much more times to think as he was pulled roughly out of his thoughts by Elliot pushing open the front gate head straight towards him.

"Elliot? What are you doing here?"

"We need to go, where are the others?"

"Need to go where?"

"Hogwarts. The whole Order has been summoned. It's finally happening."

"What about Thea?"

"She's already there, I believe."

"Ok, you know what we agreed on. You look after her when I can't."

"And vice versa. Don't worry George, I won't forget."

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