Chapter Six

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  The Great Hall was as beautiful as always. Thea looked around admiring the enchanted candles and the intricate architecture. Thea was as usual surrounded by the people she loved. Cedric, Marquis, Sadie, Alexander and Max all sat around her, some talking quietly, others waiting patiently for the sorting ceremony to begin. Thea watched as the first years entered the hall, most of them fidgeting nervously and gazing around anxiety in their eyes, their eyes seemed to widen as they looked as the professor's table. Hagrid looking as huge and intimidating as ever, Professor Dumbledore gazing at the students with a twinkle in his eye, the missing place of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Who would be the Defence Against the Darks Arts teacher this year? Thea had liked Professor Lupin last year, he was an amazing teacher but had to leave due to him being a werewolf. Thea didn't agree with that at all though, discriminating against someone just because they were a werewolf seemed ridiculous to her. 

"Alright everyone, if we can please settle down, the sorting ceremony shall begin!" Professor Dumbledore declared as the hall went silent. 

One by one, each first year was called up to the platform. Marquis was getting more impatient with each one, he was extremely hungry and just wanted to start the feast and head up to bed. However, the rest of the group cheered for those sorted into Hufflepuff and the names or younger siblings of people who they knew. 

Finally, food began to pop up everywhere much to Marquis' delight. All the students began eating, drinking and talking. The events of the Quidditch World Cup were touched on a few times but it mainly seemed like the events that happened there was old news. Everything seemed normal but nothing was ever normal at Hogwarts and this time was no exception. Dumbledore rose for his usual welcoming speech.

After reminding everyone that the Forbidden Forest was out of bounds and magic was not permitted in the halls. He declared that the Quidditch season was cancelled for this year. Sounds of protest sounded from all around the hall, particularly from the Hufflepuff table. Cedric wasn't happy, after all that work he had put in over the holidays, it wasn't even going to be used. 

Dumbledore then introduced everyone to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts and the castle grew quiet as everyone took in the man's unusual appearance. 

Auror Alastor Moody was now Professor Alastor Moody and would be teaching everyone Defence Against the Dark Arts. Thea had heard about him from her parents but she had never seen him. He was very intimidating not like Hagrid who was nice and kind once you got to know him, Professor Moody didn't look like he had ever been nice or kind in his life. His face was severely scarred and his one electric blue eye looked almost magical as it whizzed around in its socket. 

Thea ducked slowly as his gaze passed across the Hufflepuff table and tried to ignore the man as Dumbledore continued with his speech. Finally, after nearly a whole summer of pestering her parents about the exciting news, Thea finally knew what it was. Dumbledore informed them all that the Triwizard Tournament would be happening at the school this year and that two other wizarding schools would be joining them at the end of October for them to also enter the competition and have a chance to win eternal glory. If the student was of age they would be able to enter and one champion would be selected from each school, then the Tournament would begin.

What would the winner get if they won? You might ask. How about one thousand galleons and eternal glory. Does that sound good to you? 

The money would be nice particularly after Thea finished school as well as the eternal glory but Dumbledore also stressed that the tournament was not for the weak-hearted. That suited Thea just fine, she quickly decided that the tournament wasn't for her. Dumbledore wished them all a good night before inviting them to keep enjoying the feast. 

Cedric and Marquis were both excitedly discussing the possibility of them representing Hogwarts as champions. They knew that the both of them couldn't be champions and also promised to always to be there for one another and celebrate the other's successes. 

The feast continued until it was time for everyone to head back to their common rooms and dormitories. 

Thea definitely prefered Professor Lupin's teaching over Professor Moody's. Even Professor Gilderoy's constant bragging about his own fake achievements seemed better than Professor Moody's blunt, ungraceful approach to his teachings. He also immediately made anyone uncomfortable. Thea always tried to keep a low profile in his classes and focused mainly on her work. 

The next few weeks seemed to pass really quickly. The tournament was getting closer and closer and it had set the entire castle into chaos as professors and students prepared for the other schools to arrive.

The castle's halls had been newly decorated and the professors were pushing the students even harder to learn newer stuff to not embarrass the school in front of the guests.

Meeting new people had always excited Thea. Her mother had always introduced her to all of her co-workers and it had always excited her. The thought of meeting people from foreign wizarding schools was certainly exciting to her. 

All the houses were all lined up with the Head of Houses in the lead ready to welcome all the guests. Thea stood with her group almost shaking with excitement.

"Are you excited, Thea?" Alexander asked.

"Oh. I'm really excited."

"I know. You are shaking." Max said laughing.

"Am I?"

"Yes!" Max and Alexander said in unison. 


"No need to be sorry. There's a reason to be excited."

"Look up!"

Thea's eyes widened as she quickly looked up, she was most certainly shaking now. 

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