Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Everyone was heading down to the Quidditch Pitch enthusiastic to watch the task ahead. Thea walked down with Sadie but saw Cedric just before she was going to go up to go sit down. 

"Sadie, just save me a seat I'll be right back," Thea said quickly running after Cedric. Sadie smirked before climbing up into the stands to sit with the others. 

"Cedric. Cedric!" Thea finally got her brother's attention.


"Cedric." Thea puffed out, the little run had left her completely unable to breathe.

"Just take a moment and don't forget to breathe," Cedric said keeping a hand on Thea's back.

"Yeah. That's the one thing I can't do at the moment."

As Thea regained her breath back, Cedric looked at his sister and his eyes immediately went to the necklace that hung around her neck. It was the broomstick pendant one, he had got her for Christmas. 

"Nice necklace, you got there."

"What?" Thea asked confused before she realized what he was talking about. "Yeah. You got it for me, remember?"

"I do," Cedric said.

"Thank you again by the way."

"No problem."

"You probably should go soon though, Thea. You know get a good seat."

"Yeah, Sadie is hopefully saving one for me but one can never be too sure with that one."

A brief moment of awkwardness passed between them broken by another Hufflepuff student coming up to wish Cedric good luck. Once he had disappeared into the stands, Thea turned back to Cedric.

"Good luck, Ced."

"Thanks, Thea," Cedric replied embracing her in a hard hug almost equivalent to Molly's infamous hugs.

"Um...Cedric?" Thea squeaked out. "I can't breathe again."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Thea smiled. "Just please be careful."

"I will, I promise." 

"Cedric. Don't blow me off."

"I'm not." Cedric held up his hands in surrender. "I'm going to be careful. Just remember Thea that even if you don't always believe it, you are the light in so many people's lives and you are extremely special. I love you so much and I am blessed to have you as my sister."

"Cedric?" Thea asked slightly confused as to where the sudden compliment had come from.


"What? Why?"

"It doesn't matter," Cedric said grinning at her. "Listen I should go and you need to go find a good seat. Remember once this is all over we will have a nice relaxing summer."

"A nice relaxing summer." Thea copied. "Bye, Cedric."

"Bye, Thea."

Thea eventually made her way between the crowds of people to the seat that the others had saved for her. She was squished between Marquis and Sadie with Alexander and Max on the end. The minute she sat down her leg started to jiggle and she was chewing on her non-existent nails, she had already bitten them down to the quick.

She sent a quick glance over to where her parents were sitting. Anne was jumping all around in her seat while Amos was doing his best to try and calm her. Thea quickly waved and smiled in their direction before turning her attention back to the events happening around her. 

Thea was about to mention something to Sadie next to her but was interrupted by Dumbledore taking to the field and beginning to announce the rules of the third task. 

"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory..."

Cheers erupted from the Hufflepuffs as well as a lot of the rest of the Hogwarts students. 

"....and Mr. Potter is tied for the first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum..."

The cheers came from the Durmstrang students as they all went completely mad. Once it had finally calmed down, Dumbledore was able to continue.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, please gather around."

Everyone from all the different school all burst into cheers and clapping, cheering for their school. Thea watched as Cedric stepped up to Dumbledore, Harry by his side.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" Professor Moody called out drawing the attention back.

Amos had left Anne in back in the stands and had gone down to wish his son well. Cedric grinned at his father before giving him a hug and smiling reassuringly up at Thea. 

"You got this, Ced." Thea whispered her hands firmly clasped together. 

"On the count of three.." Dumbledore started. "One-Two-Three."

The cannon banged loudly and each champion entered the maze. The minute they were inside the entrances closed behind them concealing them all from view. 

Thea sat there, her hands still clasped together, her leg shaking up and down, her breathing short. She was so nervous. Once again nothing the others could do would calm her down. 

Eventually, Thea was just hugging her knees trying to let any horrible thoughts leave her head and fill it will thoughts of Cedric winning and bringing eternal glory home. 

"It will be fine, Thea. I promise." Marquis said trying to calm her down. "You know Cedric, he would never let us down on a promise."

"I hope you are right, Marquis."

"I'm always right."

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