Chapter Eight

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Thea and Max were alone in their dormitory. Sadie and Heidi were out, and the two best friends were finally having a chance to catch up after the holidays.

"Max! Max! Maax! Earth to Max!" Thea clicked her fingers in front of Max's face desperate to actually get her attention. "Max! Max! You were telling me about someone you met in Australia and then you drifted off."

"I know. I'm sorry...."

"Are you going to continue with your story?"


"Fine then, was he cute? Like Alexander cute?"

Max screeched and then proceeded to smack Thea as the mention of her crush of four years.

"How dare you! He was cute, but we are just friends."

"Sureeee!" Thea replied, drawing the 'e' out.

"I will kill you Theodora Margaret Anne Diggory."

"You wouldn't."

"Do you want to try me?"

"No?" Thea replied grabbing her pillow and whacking her over the head with it.

"Oh! It's on, Theodora!"

"Don't call me, Theodora!"

"What on earth is going on here?" Sadie walked in to discover Thea and Max in the middle of a full-on pillow fight.

"Hi, Sadie!" Thea said chirpily. Almost too chirpily. "Max was just telling me about this boy she met while she was in Australia."

"What happened to Alexander? I thought she liked him more than anything. She said, and I quote 'who eyes are a deep blue and is stupidly cute.'"

"I suggest you both leave before I kill you both or...."

"Or what, Thea?"

"You two better run and Cedric is not going to save you this time." Max narrowed her eyes as she slipped her wand from her pocket and pretended to hold it up threateningly.


"Yes, Thea?"

"We better run!"


Sadie and Thea both took off, Max straight behind them.

"Oi! Thea!" Cedric greeted Thea and blocked her path from getting out of the common room.

"Get out of my way, Cedric!" Thea shouted.


"We've got a wild Maxine on the loose."

"Oh!" Cedric quickly stepped to the side as Sadie and Thea dashed past him, Max in hot pursuit. Life was always a challenge with Max's quick temper.

"Get back here you two!"

Thea suddenly stopped causing Sadie to crash into her.

"What on earth, Thea!" Sadie called out.

"I can't run anymore!"


"In case you didn't notice Sadie, I'm not an athlete."


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Absolutely nothing," Sadie said quickly holding her hands up in surrender.

"Well, you two might not be athletes but you two forget who my uncle is."

"Oh no!"

"Hello, Sarah, Theodora."

"Hello, Maxine!"

"How have I not killed you two yet?"

Ever since the day that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrived, things have been extremely awkward at the Hufflepuff table during mealtimes. Marquis and Cedric were still not speaking, and it placed a large strain on the harmony of the entire group. Thea, Max, Alexander and Sadie were left to pass messages between the two, leaving them all exhausted and tired of their feud. Marquis and Cedric were extremely alike in interests and personalities that probably why they had been such good friends. But that also meant that both of them were extremely stubborn which was only increasing the time that their feud was continuing. Despite Marquis' claims that the Tri-wizard Tournament had changed Cedric, he was still entering the tournament, leaving Thea anxious for her brother.

Dumbledore had stressed that all three of the tasks were dangerous. How dangerous? Only time would tell.

"Are you sure you want to enter this tournament, Cedric?"

"I already have, Thea."

"You could pull out."

"You heard Dumbledore, Thea. I'm in it for good now whether my name gets picked or not."

"But Cedric." Thea pouted.

"But Thea," Cedric said mockingly. "Don't worry I'm going to be fine. I'm always going to be fine and I'm always going to be here for you."

"Aww! Cute brother/sister moment!" Alexander said clapping his hands together happily.

"You promise?" Thea asked.

"Of course!" Cedric replied bringing her into a hug.

Thea sat in the Transfiguration classroom trying her best to look and stay interested in the lesson. She was usually a good student and always tried her best in classes. But the increased homework load and her ambitions to become an Auror one day on top of trying to mend the relationship between her brother and Marquis was placing a strain on her both mentally and physically.

"Are you listening, Miss Diggory? Did you hear what I asked you?" Thea was suddenly brought back to reality by Professor McGonagall's stern face staring at her disapproval.

"Sorry Professor McGonagall. The answer would be yes."

"The answer to the incantation to the bird-conjuring charm is yes?"

"No. Sorry Professor. The answer is 'Avis'. It's pronounced AH-VISS."

"Thank you, Thea, for finally deciding to pay attention to the lesson. The answer is correct, but detention will still be necessary please see me after class."

"Of course, Professor." Thea put her head down to study trying to calm her burning red cheeks.

"Detention, Thea. Really?" Max tutted with an expression like McGonagall's. "I thought you wanted to become an Auror. You are not going to be able currently if this attitude continues."

"Max, c'mon. I'm just tired. I've got a lot of homework. It's not going to continue, I promise."

"Thea. I know we have a lot of homework. Remember I have more classes than you. I know about homework."

"Of course, Max. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Thea. I just worry about you sometimes."


"Thea, you are a great leader, brave and optimistic but you are also very impatient, sometimes arrogant and impulsive. You didn't use to be so loud and annoying." Max said with a chuckle. "But you've lived your entire life in your brother's shadow and you've changed your personality to have your own flair, so you stand beside your brother instead of in his shadow. I really admire you for it, but I don't want you to forget yourself and to forget the dreams you've had for as long as I've known you."


"I'm sorry. Was that too heavy?"

"Max...I'm so glad to have you as my best friend and that you care about me so much. I don't know what I would do without it."

"You're welcome." 

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