Chapter Seventy

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George Weasley breathed a sigh of relief as he finally flipped the sign at the front of the store to 'closed instead of 'open.'

He turned around to see his twin brother watching him with a slight smile on his face while Verity, the shop assistant they had employed counted through the money they had made for the day. 

"How did we get so lucky, Georgie?" 

"I know, Freddie. It's amazing that we get to live our dream."

"Well, I thought the crowds each day would die down after the Christmas rush. But clearly, I thought wrong. It's been like this for months." Verity chimed in. "Well, I better head off, I'm getting drinks with a friend, see you, Mr. and Mr. Weasley."

"Please do call us Fred and George," Fred said. 

"Ok, I will have a good evening."

"You too, Verity."

"I swear these examinations are going to be the death of me," Thea complained, one evening as Elliot and herself left the Ministry. 

They had their final, final examinations in the morning. The last two examinations that stood in between Thea and the others finally becoming actual Aurors. Concealment and Disguise and Stealth and Tracking were the only two left. Thea was extremely apprehensive about them particularly after hearing Tonks' story about what had happened to her, she had nearly failed the Stealth and Tracking part of the examinations because the Concealment and Disguise was no trouble for her, so much that she barely studied for it thanks to her metamorphagus abilities.  

Tonks had tried to assure Thea that she wouldn't fail. After all, Thea was still only a training Auror and had already solved a major case. Thea hated it when people constantly brought it up as it had been several months ago, it's not like she did anything special, she just followed her instincts. 

"C'mon Thea. Don't be like that, everyone knows you will pass with flying colors. Even Robards was almost even ready to call you an Auror after you solved that case."

"Ugh. Please, stop bringing that up."

"Fine, I will if you come with me to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink and maybe dinner," Elliot said as they reached the front of the Leaky Cauldron. Thea hadn't even noticed they were walking that way.

"It's amazing how people are dying every day and here I am stressing over exams and going out for drinks with my friend," Thea muttered but following Elliot through the door. 

Once the two of them had settled down with their food and drinks in the corner, their eyes facing the door. Steady conversation happened between the two, mainly focusing on the exams and revising any topics or strategies that hadn't memorized yet. 

"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I am feeling a bit sorry for Miles, I mean he doesn't have anyone to study with like we do," Thea said.

"Yeah, well he's that much of a jerk, we wouldn't help him even if our lives depended on it."

"I have to agree with you there."

"Well, well, well..." Elliot started causing Thea to straighten, looking around the pub quickly. "Look who it is, Fred and George's shop assistant."

"What?" Thea sputtered looking around more.

"And your number one greatest fan."

"What do you mean?"

"Targets at one o'clock." Elliot said, pointing them out to Thea.

"Yikes, you really have eyes like a hawk. I must be blind."

"You should get glasses then you and Harry could be twins."

"Oh, shut it." Thea said slapping Elliot in the chest playfully.

"Thea?" James asked, pulling the shop assistant behind him as he made his way over to their table.

"Hi, James. Who is this?" Thea asked, getting straight to the point.

"Oh, this is Verity. We went to school together, I found out that she was also in the area and invited her out for drinks. And Verity, this is Thea Diggory, I met her during the Triwizard Tournament and she saved my life a few weeks ago."

Thea watched as a flicker of recognition appeared in Verity's eyes before it was replaced by with cold hatred which made Thea scoot back slightly in her chair, feeling Elliot's light touch on her arm to ask if she was alright. 

"It's lovely to meet you," Verity said forcefully, not meaning like she meant any word. 

"It's lovely to meet you, too," Thea replied, kindly, trying to work out what the woman's problem was. 

James and Elliot watched on, feeling the awkward air between the two women. 

"Well, we better get going, I think we are finished here," Elliot said, pulling Thea out of her chair. "You guys are welcome to have our table if you want."

"It's good to meet you, Verity and it's nice to see you again, James. Take care." Thea said before she left the Leaky Cauldron, leaving Elliot trailing behind her.

"What was all that about?" Elliot asked her.


"You and Verity."

"I honestly don't know, she had barely met me and she already seemed to hate me."

"I'm sure she had her reasons for it."

"I like him so much, James," Verity said to James as she held yet another glass of firewhiskey in her hands.

"Then why don't you ask him out?" James asked her, equally as drunk. 

"Because Thea stands in my way."

"Well, either get rid of her or just make the first move and kiss him."

"Okay, fine, I will."

Verity knew she had drunken too much, she was all giggly and seemed to have trouble standing up. Her and James Duerre were getting ready to head out, but as Verity reached into her bag and searched for her purse, a thought came to her. She had left her purse on the counter at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, in her hurry to meet up with James she must have left it behind.

"Oh, I left my purse at work." Verity slurred out clutching the bar to stop herself from falling over.

"Well, I got this," James said paying for their drinks and food. "Go get your purse."

George Weasley was getting ready for bed when he heard a series of bumping noises downstairs in the shop. It sounded like someone was bumping into the walls and aisles. He flinched as he heard a crash from downstairs. Grabbing his wand, he carefully made his way down the stairs into the shop but as he saw a figure he recognised. He rubbed at his eyes to try and work out who was in front of him.



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