Chapter One-Hundred-Four

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Thea took one long at Molly's solemn face that seemed to tell a hundred stories before she burst out crying again. 

"No! No!" Thea wailed. "Tell me it's not true."

Molly silently led her over to where two bodies lay side by side, a little way from Fred's body and the rest of the Weasley family. 

Tonks and Remus. 

They lay beside each other, looking peaceful, almost like they were asleep. Thea felt another wave of grief hit her hard. 

Tonks had always been her honorary sister. From the moment that the two of them had met, they had immediately had a connection. From then moving in together at Remus' request. The two of them had had plenty of late night chats about the most pointless stuff that had only fueled the bond even more. Thea had stuck by Tonks' side throughout the entire Remus debacle, taking any means necessary for Tonks to be happy. That's all she ever wanted was for Tonks to be happy, as she had been when Teddy was born and even a few hours earlier when Thea had been sitting on the couch with her, Andromeda and Teddy having a normal conversation. Tonks was supposed to be with Andromeda and Teddy right now, but it was no surprise to Thea that she would actually find Tonks there, after knowing the woman quite well. But Thea had never thought that she would find Tonks like that. 

Thea had known Remus a lot longer. All the way from when she had first threatened Remus and Sirius to get out of her house with a table lamp, so when she found out that they would become her temporary guardians, to even after Sirius' death and Thea officially becoming of age, Remus still looked out for her. Thea had often been tasked with shaking Remus out of whatever nervous state he was in, all the way from when she made him profess his shared love of Tonks to when he was nervous about marrying her. She had looked up to both of them and had always wanted to become exactly like them.

Now Thea was left without either of them as role models. Teddy, only a few weeks old was left without parents and now an orphan. It saddened Thea greatly that both Remus and Tonks although originally a little apprehensive about the baby had grown extremely excited in the last few weeks of the pregnancy. It seemed unfair that the three of them were only able to spend a few weeks together before Remus and Tonks were ripped away from Teddy in the cruelest way possible. 

The news wouldn't have reached Andromeda or Teddy yet and Thea could only imagine Andromeda sitting on the couch with little Teddy, anxiously waiting for any news about her daughter and son-in-law. Andromeda had already lost her husband only a few months earlier, how would she cope with the loss of her daughter as well?

Thea sat with the bodies of Remus and Tonks and eventually Elliot as he was moved to lay beside them. She cried over all the bodies, her mind whirring as she tried to wish that they were something she could do to bring them all back. She could almost still feel their presence just like everyone else in the hall.

During the one hour that the Dark Lord had granted them, the dead and injured were brought into the hall around Thea as she sat with the bodies. They had one hour to surrender Harry or it was threatened they would all meet a horrific fate. But no-one would hand Harry over. The Dark Lord was foolish once again for thinking it would ever be that easy. 

Eventually, the group of survivors became curious as no one knew where Harry had ventured off to. Everyone else seemed to be in the Great Hall except him. They had little of the hour left and if Harry didn't show up in the hour, the battle would commence. Time was slowly ticking away and none of them could do anything to stop it. 

However, thunderous booms were soon heard outside the castle. Everyone quickly hurried outside, wanting to know the source of the noise, when the Dark Lord's voice silenced them all. 

"Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him."

"He can't be."

"We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone. The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continued to resist, man, woman or child, will be slaughtered, as well as every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before him and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sister will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together."

Everyone hurried out of the Great Hall, determined to see if what Voldemort had claimed was true. Gasps reverberated around the castle as reality slapped them all across the face. 

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