Chapter Forty-Four

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The Order of the Phoenix back at Grimmauld Place were still working constantly however small moments although few and far between provided a large amount of joy in such dark times.

One of these such things was the letter exchange that happened every few days between Sirius, Remus, and Thea. It provided every person who was a part of it a great deal of joy. The letters were frequent, depicting thoughts and recounts of each day as well as Remus and Sirius giving Thea as much information as she was allowed to hear and that was safe through a letter. Soon, the letter exchange would have to stop but that didn't concern the three of them.

Sirius was extremely happy that Thea had started to let people in more, thank to his advice. Although Remus did remind her to be careful around the Weasley twins, they could prank anyone at any time.

Sirius and Remus had quickly become parental figures in Thea's life and she was so grateful for the role they had already played in her life in the short time she had known them. Thea was greatly looking forward to the summer when she could talk to them in person without having to worry if the letter fell into the wrong hands.

Thea had the latest letter from Remus and Sirius in her hand, examining it and chuckling slightly at how different their two different styles of handwriting were when she was startled by Fred and George running up to her, Fred holding today's copy of the Daily Prophet. Thea's eyes went wide as she saw the headline that sat in big, black letters at the top of the page.

"A mass escape from Azkaban!" Thea started gulping slightly. "But how?"

"I honestly don't know but of course they are all death eaters, I mean we aren't that lucky. It's unfortunate it's not a nice old man who's been in there his entire life." Fred said.

Thea rolled her eyes slightly. "Fred, I'm sorry but you do realize that he must have done something awful to be put in Azkaban in the first place."

"How do you know he wasn't innocent?" Fred countered making direct eye contact with Thea. "Like Sirius."

"Is that a challenge?"


"You're on. Prepare to lose, Freddie." Thea said smirking.

"I'm sorry." George started blinking confusedly. "But did you two just create a challenge about proving whether a fictional old man is innocent or not?"

Thea and Fred turned to George before replying back in complete unison. "Yep."

George took a few steps back in shock. "Okay, I think you two were just possessed by some demon. You two are not allowed to do that!"

Thea and Fred looked at George's terrified face before promptly bursting into laughter which set off George as well.

"Well, what are the plans for the afternoon?" Fred asked, looking to Thea with George quickly copying his actions.

"Don't look at me. I didn't even know I was included in whatever plans you had."

"We don't have any plans."

"So I guess you'll have to come up with something to do, have fun with that, goodbye gentlemen," Thea said starting to walk away.

"Wha-. Thea!"

"Yes." Thea turned around but continued to walk backward, a smirk playing on her features.

"Would you like to-" George began.

"Pull a prank with us."

"Oh no. I don't do that, that's all you two."

"Actually, if I recall correctly, you do prank people." George started.

"Uh, no I don't," Thea replied confused.

"I don't know about you, George but I precisely remember Thea and some of her friends pranking people last year."

"I do, Freddie. You charmed the Potter Stinks badges to shock their owner when they tried to pick them up."

"It wasn't me, it was Max." Thea tried to swallow the lump in her throat that appeared the second she said Max's name.

"You still participated." Fred tried to point out. "You laughed at them with the rest of us."

"Fine." Thea groaned. "I pranked someone, one time. Happy now?"

"Actually, no," George said chuckling when Thea's face dropped.

"We'll finally be happy when you pull a prank with us." Fred continued.

"There is no way I can get out of this, is there?"

"Nope, unless you want to deal with us all of the time."

"Oh god." Thea rubbed at her face. "Fine, but if we get caught, I'm running away and blaming you two for all my problems."

"Sounds perfectly reasonable."

"Stop right there," Filch shouted.

Thea's heart beat hard in her chest as she ran around the corner, Fred and George hot on her heels. The three of them ran into an empty classroom, all struggling to catch their breaths.

"Well, that was the worst decision, I've ever made in the past year or so."

"Don't be like that, Thea." Fred started.

"Yeah, I know you had fun," George said. "I mean look at that smile on your face."

"Okay, fine. It was kind of fun."

Thea lay in bed that night, unable to find a comfortable position in bed so she was tossing and turning quite a lot. The nightmares had officially arrived as well, causing Thea to relive the worst moments of her life, most of which had happened in the past year.

She woke up with a start, feeling the wet, sticky trails down her face, praying she hadn't woken anyone else up. If she had it would just be a lot more of questions that she simply did not have the answer to. Thea sat up, resting her head against the headboard of the bed, pulling her knees to her chest.

A few more tears escaped from her eyes before she brushed them away angrily. In the last few weeks, her days had almost been completely taken up by the Weasley twins interrupting whatever she was doing, making random excuses, doing anything they could to distract her and make her smile. It had worked for a little while, she was feeling a bit better but the nightmares had brought it all back to her.

No matter what the Weasley twins did to try and help, Thea was hurting, in deep grief and it would take a lot more than a few pranks and jokes to completely cure her, although that didn't mean that she didn't appreciate it greatly.

"Oh gosh, what on earth am I going to do?"

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